still having seizures while on medication

Most seizures will stop on their own within one to three . Explains that lack of rest and shift work used to trigger his seizures. The severity of seizures range from a single episode to coma and death. stare into space, not respond when spoken to). Not leaving my room I missed way more than the times I seize and 'nap'. Seizures are more common than you might think. Other causes of dog seizures while sleeping are kidney failure, brain tumors, brain trauma, liver disease, toxins, neoplastic growths, metabolic disorders, and more. Drinking alcohol or using street drugs during your treatment with diazepam also increases the risk that you will experience these serious, life-threatening side effects. Also tell your doctor if you have or have ever had depression or another mental illness. A reason that I would put a dog on medication would be if they have seizures that last more than three to five minutes. Numerous drugs or drug groups may . Many people worry about having another seizure, though. Doctors . For . However, these symptoms may occur during one seizure and not another. Having seizure during sleep can be a feature of virtually any type of epilepsy. Seizures are refractory to one medication in about 25 percent of cases. Dr. Asukile: I think the one thing that hinders epilepsy diagnosis and treatment is the misconceptions that people have about what epilepsy is. Seizures have also been reported with less than 15 days of use and at therapeutic dosage. The drugs, said to have originated from Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, were seized from two containers at the Mundra port in Gujarat's Kutch district. If in doubt, your doctor or pharmacist can offer advice. Seizures in cats are characterized by sudden surges of uncontrollable muscle activity, often described as fits or convulsions. Approximately 2 to 3 percent of dogs are epileptic and the age at which dogs with idiopathic epilepsy have their first seizure is usually between 1 and 5 years of age. The medications generally never totally take the seizures away in a dog with epilepsy. I SEE THE NERUOLOGIST NEXT THURSDAY AND I HAVE A DIARY OF MY SEIZURES SINCE THE MEDS SO I WILL SEE WHAT HE HAVE TO SAY. Hi all, I hope someone can answer this question please. A single seizure can have many causes, such as a high fever, lack of oxygen, poisoning, trauma, a tumor, infection, or after brain surgery. have seizures during that time of the month 'cause that's one of the times that I'm more likely to get seizures." Courtney tried several birth control methods before finding the right one for her. Not taking your medication, even for a short time can cause more seizures and increase your . Today epilepsy can usually by treated successfully with regular use of seizure-preventing medication. For such people, natural ways and alternative therapy are the only options to treat seizures. When Medications Don't Work. You should avoid jobs using heavy machinery, working at heights or under water. Phenobarbital is a commonly prescribed medication for seizures. The medicine doesn't cure epilepsy, but aims to stop or reduce the number of seizures your child has. Your child will start on a low dose of epilepsy medicine and gradually increase it, until they get to the right level to control . See full . Depending on the treatments you . The fevers triggered the seizures as they inflamed that part of my brain, but the onset of seizures could have otherwise happened at any time, without cause or warning. The types of seizure you have, as some medicines are only effective for certain types of seizure; Your age and sex; Your lifestyle ; Any other medical conditions you have; Any other medicines you take; There may be a choice of medicines that might work well for you. If you have a seizure while you are driving, you could lose control of your car and cause a crash. Find out more about seizure classifications here). Phenobarbital kept me seizure-free as a child. I developed focal seizures as a result of having a brain tumor. What to do while a cat is having a seizure. The best course of action, he said, was to go on medication to control the seizures. Of the roughly 3 million people with epilepsy in the U.S., about 30% still have seizures despite being on medication. Seizures can happen after a stroke, a closed head injury, an infection such as meningitis or another illness. Will be grateful for any replies. A number of factors may be involved including genetics, brain structure abnormalities, brain injury . Falling on your stomach during a seizure could injure the baby. 1  It is a type of drug called a barbiturate and works like other seizure medications by sedating or slowing brain activity. If your dog refuses to take medication, here are some tips and tricks to giving your dog a pill. After a seizure, you may feel drowsy, weak, or confused or have a hard time talking to or understanding others. If you have started an antiepileptic medication, it is . Complex partial seizures normally only last a few minutes. Symptoms of seizures include: loss of consciousness during the seizure, or between several seizures; becoming unresponsive; in an absence seizure, the person stops concentrating on their activity and stares off . For all women with epilepsy during pregnancy, approximately 15-25 percent will have seizure worsening, but another 15-25 percent will have seizure improvement. This is going to help your veterinarian to better treat your dog. For many of these people, the problem is a one-time occurrence that will not return. Doctors implant . Some antiepileptic drugs have a known (often dose-dependent) risk of teratogenicity. There are a few . Most of the time, the effects are mild and don't last long. I have a daughter with seizures so I was at least familiar with them and many seizure meds. But your return to safe driving after one or more seizures depends on the following key factors: the cause of your . Most seizure disorders can be controlled with medication, but management of seizures can still have a significant impact on your daily . Deep brain stimulation. This may be because the dosage or timing of the medication needs re-assessing. Illness, diarrhoea and vomiting may affect the absorption of medication. Epilepsy is a condition characterized by recurrent seizures. Submitted by gretchen1 on Fri, 2006-06-09 19:54. You could hurt yourself and others. Antiepileptic drugs, in general, have mild side effects, like an upset tummy or drowsiness. Other drugs are considered safer with lamotrigine and levetiracetam having the lowest risk. Hidden • • 15 Replies. There are usually no physical symptoms in between seizures. An arrestee appeared to have a seizure while he was being booked into jail. (Note: an accurate seizure diagnosis can mean the most appropriate management approach can be taken. Could someone please tell me if this is normal to have these breakthrough seizures. Some seizures can even induce premature labor or a miscarriage. While the causes of seizures in the elderly may be multifactorial, many age-related issues are potential contributors to the risk of drug-induced seizures in this population. Most medicines are not harmful to a developing baby. A complex partial seizure can have multiple possible symptoms. But they don't work in everyone. Everyday I am upright is a good day-if I do go down, I try for soft spot and get back up as . Medication changes may need to be made for women planning a pregnancy to minimise the risk to mother and baby. A person may be alert during the seizure, and able to remember it afterwards, or may not remember it at all. Do you . You are still having seizures even though you are taking epilepsy medicines *Reference: Not taking your medication, even for a short time can cause more seizures and increase your . Doctors usually try . It can help a lot if your epilepsy only affects one side of your brain. The word idiopathic indicates that experts still aren't sure what causes these seizures. This can decrease both the frequency and severity of seizures. During seizures, there is abnormal excessive electrical activity in the brain, and this causes the person to convulse (their muscles jerk), fall, or behave strangely (e.g. Epilepsy is usually treated with anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs), and many people have their seizures successfully controlled in this way. Having Seizures While on Anticonvulsant Medication. If a seizure lasts more than three to five minutes, this is an emergency and you should bring your dog . Applications for a license typically require either that your doctor fill out a portion of the application . However, people who take this medication must watch for a rare and . He may have to be more careful about when he eats and how much sleep he gets than the average youngster his age. (Note: an accurate seizure diagnosis can mean the most appropriate management approach can be taken. While it is important to limit exposure to teratogenic antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy, abrupt cessation should be avoided. I take 1500 mg. Of it twice daily . Seizure medicines may cause unwanted side effects in some people. The United Kingdom's Commission on Human Medicines declared it one of the safest epilepsy medications to take during pregnancy. Report . Many times, though, the cause of a seizure is unknown. women with epilepsy, the medications they are tak-ing while pregnant, and the effects that the medica-tions have on the developing baby. Since my . Epilepsy can be a lifelong illness, but many people with a history of multiple seizures eventually will stop having . However, these symptoms may occur during one seizure and not another. I didn't have any seizure activity in those 6 months, so stopped taking it in February 2019, but from March 2019-November 2020 I had been having partial seizures regularly (an average of once per week . Age at interview: 43. Reply Like (2 . Anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) work by lowering this level of activity. His idea was simple: to figure out which seizure medications affect the developing baby's brain. WHEN I FIRST STARTED TAKING MEDS I WAS STILL HAVING SEIZURE AND THEN I THOUGHT THEY WERE GOING TO STOP I STILL HAVE ARUA'S AND I STILL HAVING SEIZURES. Summary of Seizures in Cats. (2, 3, 4) It's hard for doctors to say . Some conditions . She was put on phenobarbital. I . Although AEDs don't cure the underlying causes of epilepsy, they can . Some people have seizures exclusively during the night, while others can have a seizure that occurs both during the . Pharmacists should note the common causes of seizures in seniors and be able to identify those . The care of a pregnant woman with epilepsy needs to start well before pregnancy occurs, while she is still under the care of a GP, especially if she is on antiepileptic medication. Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet for seizures. While the causes of seizures in the elderly may be multifactorial, many age-related issues are potential contributors to the risk of drug-induced seizures in this population. They can last for as little as a few seconds or up to a few minutes, with some even lasting for . Having a seizure while pregnant can be scary because of the potential consequences. 2. Then doctors took me off meds at age 12 because my EEG came back normal & I hadn't had any seizures in a long time. Diazepam rectal may cause a physical dependence (a condition in which unpleasant physical symptoms occur if a medication is suddenly . There is still a very strong belief that epilepsy is . Lifestyle changes have to accompany in order to be cured of seizures. Having epilepsy puts you at greater risk of injury. We know that some dogs inherit idiopathic epilepsy from their parents, but the exact reasons they occur are unknown. If you still have seizures after trying two or three anti-epilepsy drugs, your doctor might recommend brain surgery. Posted 14 months ago (10/16/2020) 3. Lisa . He is on alot of aed's and still has breakthrough seizures. Decrease the severity of the seizures - so they are not as severe. However long it's been since your last seizure, you could still have another one sooner or later if you stop taking your drugs. Genetic epilepsy is a diagnosis of exclusion. Whether you have active seizures - or are seizure free (but still taking medication), it is important that you take your medication as prescribed. For felines experiencing convulsions frequently, anti-seizure . However, some may interfere with the normal development of a fetus and cause birth defects (these medicines are said to be 'teratogenic'). The seizures can be generalized or partial. It has worked for the most part but I still have mini seizures all the time. Epilepsy medications can prevent seizures. "Women who become pregnant are very concerned about the effect of the medication during pregnancy—and think they're doing a good thing by protecting the fetus against exposure to seizure medicine when they stop taking it—but exposure . Explains that lack of rest and shift work used to trigger his seizures. An epidural anesthesia can be used to manage labor and delivery pain. Is your diagnosis correct? I think I'm having side effects . Often they can be treated by adjusting the dose or how a person takes it. It can be very upsetting to see your cat have a seizure. Courtney was 17 when she was diagnosed with non-convulsive seizures. If you do become pregnant while you're still on seizure medication, schedule an appointment with your doctor, but don't stop taking your meds in the meantime. Treatment of epilepsy . If that medication fails, the chance of seizure control drops to 10%. For most medicines, monthly monitoring of blood levels of the antiseizure medicines can help to assure continued seizure control . As a woman's body changes during pregnancy, the dose of seizure medication may heed to be increased. Responsive neurostimulation. Rated for Seizures Report . In about 3 in 10 cases, seizures are not controlled despite taking one medicine. This means that everyday the teenager with epilepsy must take his medicine on time just as his doctor has ordered. My son is 21 and has been having seizures for 7 years with 2 itu admissions. Many people who have had seizures are able to return to driving once their seizures are under control. 1 In these cases, the patient is considered to have drug-resistant seizures or drug-resistant epilepsy, also known as refractory epilepsy. Read all the Latest News , Breaking News . Many times, though, the cause of a seizure is unknown. The cause of epilepsy and seizures is often unknown. If you still have seizures while taking medication, tell your doctor. How and why this "acquired drug-resistant epilepsy" happens is still unknown, but certain subgroups appear to be at risk: People whose seizures were difficult to control after diagnosis, people who have been seizure free for a shorter period of time, and people who have focal seizures after stopping medication have all been shown to also have difficulty regaining seizure control. If you have taken a medicine correctly up to its maximum . During a seizure, you may have a bladder or bowel accident; you may bite your tongue or the inside of your mouth. You might hear these called anti-epileptic drugs or AEDs. If this is the case, your specialist should give you information about each one, to help you make a decision. Some states may allow people with epilepsy to drive if they have certain kinds of seizure disorders, including nocturnal epilepsy (seizures only during sleep), focal aware seizures (during which they remain aware and can drive safely), or have a long aura (warning) before a seizure. If we reach the maximum dose for the medication and your child is still having seizures we may need to try a different medication or add another medication. During responsive neurostimulation, a device implanted on the surface of your brain or within brain tissue can detect seizure activity and deliver an electrical stimulation to the detected area to stop the seizure. If your diagnosis isn't clear, it's time to find out what is going on. If you continue to have seizures while taking seizure medications, ask the following questions. With vagus nerve stimulation, you may still need to take medication, but you may be able to lower the dose. You may also be stopped from driving unless your seizures are controlled. Whether you have active seizures - or are seizure free (but still taking medication), it is important that you take your medication as prescribed. He has focused much of his research on epilepsy and how . Recovery & Management of Seizures in Cats . There are many breeds that can be affected with primary epilepsy and a complex mode of inheritance is suspect in most purebred dogs. For few people, medication work wonders while others may not even respond to medicated drugs. This means that even a woman who strictly avoids drugs and medications while pregnant may still have a baby with a birth defect. The first seizure medication chosen has about 60% chance of controlling seizures. On Dec. 16, Tahlequah Police Officer Jacob Robertson was dispatched to the intersection of State Highway 51 and Bryant . However, most women who have seizures while pregnant still give birth to healthy babies. While epilepsy isn't likely to complicate your labor and delivery (you're just as likely to have a vaginal delivery as any other mom-to-be), it is important that you continue to take anticonvulsant medication during labor, which will minimize your risk of a seizure during delivery. If you've tried a lot of different medications and are still having seizures, your doctor may send you to an epilepsy specialist. A complex partial seizure can have multiple possible symptoms. Precautions may be required around . Some people discussed having seizures because of late nights or going without sleep. After a severe seizure, which lasts longer than 2 minutes, it may be hard for you to stand, walk, or take care of yourself for a few days or even longer. Starting before 1999, Dr. Meador initiated the NEAD Study Group. Pharmacoresistant epilepsy While AEDs are the mainstay of epilepsy treatment, up to 40% of patients will continue to have seizures.14 Pharmacoresistance is defined as failure to achieve seizure control with adequate doses of two appropriate AEDs.15 Referral to a comprehensive epilepsy service is useful for: I didn't have to put her on any meds until she was about 12 due to increased frequency and the seizures were taking a toll on her. There were several to choose from, but each came with a long list of side effects, including birth defects if I were to get pregnant. Factors that support the diagnosis include first seizure event between 1 and 5 years of age in dogs, normal interictal period and normal . So go on that trip, pace yourself. 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