la palma earthquake map grid

Understanding the La Palma mega-landslide hypothesis: part 1. FEATURED VIDEO CLIP: LA PALMA PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING FROM THE GAME SECRET . Articles that the grid system claims to be "evidence" that volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are "artificial attacks . Now look back at La Palma, it's easy to see the earthquake seismic activity patterns at La Palma do not look natural! Mary Tanasy What is notable is that a massive chunk of the island is missing on La Palma. 186 Posted by u/squaremild 1 month ago This is a layout of earthquakes on La Palma over the last 48 hours. The La Palma volcano is still erupting, as of this posting we are on day number 54. In tight earthquake clusters like the ones occurring in La Palma, when you zoom way in, the 2 decimal point approximation creates an artifact and the earthquake locations are displayed like a grid. Judging from the shape of the previous La Palma Watch "EMERGENCY ALERT FOR LA PALMA!!!! EXTREMELY ... THEY WANT IT TO FALL INTO THE OCEAN [Page 7] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. It showed some areas with multiple events. Discover the types of seismic waves, learn about the interior of earth, and explore how war influenced this … Map is going to show a grid no matter where the quakes are. Regarding that grid, as a comment of Stephen Smiroldo says: --and it really sounds more pausible to me. Here Is An Interesting Little Thing… La Palma Seems To Be ... Warning - This video exceeds your sensitivity preference! Island life, towns, villages, farms and food production have all been devastated. Was watching a clip of a Simpsons show in which a canary flies out of a cage and alights by a map. This is a display artifice of the placement of the seismographs & how the software has to display its data when zoomed in graphically. Author Jerry Posted on October 25, 2021 October 25, 2021 Categories Earthquakes, tsunami Tags earthquake, grid, la palma, map, radiation, tsunami. Saw this on a video: La Palma earthquakes have a perfect, equal distance vertically and horizontal grid pattern. Stay safe out there & God bless! During 2021, La Palma Island was shaken by 62 quakes of magnitude 3.0 or above and 787 quakes between 2.0 and 3.0.There were also 1364 quakes below magnitude 2.0 which people don't normally feel. Looks real enough to me. Here is a DIRECT LINK to the EMSC Earthquake map. LA PALMA WARNING - earthquakes swarming in a grid - sawing the south tip off. Evidence That La Palma Eruption & Earthquakes Are ... A strong earthquake swarm started under the area of La Cumbre Vieja volcano in the southern part of La Palma Island yesterday. Like any broad-scale global visualization tool, the web platform has spatial resolution limits. 5. The volcanic eruption that began in mid-September continues on Spain's La Palma island. La Palma Is WRONG - UK Column Community Tonight, if someone goes to the EMSC web site to look at earthquakes taking place on the island of LaPalma, they get a map showing this: The red dots forming a blob of red indicates the ongoing clusters of earthquakes around the erupting volcano. The earthquakes are hitting As you can see, there's multiple earthquakes in the same.that are hitting over and over again. That is exactly what thousands and thousands of people are concluding around the world. Map of today's active volcanoes Tremors on La Palma apparently arranged on a grid - this is due to the rounding of latitude / longitude values (image: EMSC) Lava fountain from the top of the opening at La Palma tonight (photo: live cam) The latest data seen below and detailed in a post by The Big the One is indicating that a La Palma induced tsunami may be imminent. For those who are interested, here is the link to the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre where you can clearly observe the grid pattern of the earthquakes on the island of La Palma, Canaries. A Truther has found a grid pattern on the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma island, visible on a website specializing in tracking earthquakes world-wide. I posted a video about La Palma and want to bring just an update of truly how suspicious this is.<br />Since September the first there are now over 7700 earthquakes and it does not seem to stop.<br />As there have been today many in Oregon offshore.<br />But these are just scattered yet in La Palma all the thousands are in a unnatural grid pattern.<br /><br />links are here:<br />European . (4) (foto Hal Turner Radio Show) It looks as though La Palma is being Attacked. La Palma,, Take a look at the earthquakes appearing as ... In tight earthquake clusters like the ones occurring in La Palma, when you zoom way in, the 2 decimal point approximation creates an artefact and the earthquake locations are displayed like a grid. Tonight, if someone goes to the EMSC web site to look at earthquakes taking place on the island of LaPalma, they get a map showing this: The red dots forming a blob of red indicates the ongoing clusters of earthquakes around the erupting volcano. It happens everywhere on our maps, whenever there is a huge zoom on a very small area. LA PALMA WARNING - earthquakes swarming in a grid - sawing the south tip off. Hal Turner Radio Show - EMERGENCY ALERT FOR LA PALMA ... "Volcano Watchers" are probably aware that an eruption began on La Palma in the Canary Islands on September 19. During the past 14 days, La Palma volcano was shaken by 11 quakes of magnitude 3.0 or above and 152 quakes between 2.0 and 3.0. Here is a DIRECT LINK to the EMSC Earthquake map. The claim: A "grid pattern" on a monitoring website shows La Palma island earthquakes are manmade. The La Palma Volcano Eruption | Maps Mania | GeoJoint Google Maps Does the source data site (Instituto Geografico Nacional-- Madrid, Spain (MAD)) that EMSC uses show the same pattern?If not why? So far, more than 350 tremors have been detected, including 14 quakes of magnitudes above 3.0 and 226 quakes between 2.0 and 2.9.The strongest quake was a magnitude 3.4 event at 00.46 am local time this morning, which was felt by nearby residents. Scientists study the earth's interior structure through seismic activity. Earthquakes occurring under the island of La Palma, as plotted by the emsc website. This is causing a conspiracy theory online that the quake is on a uniform grid because it is artificial or artificial. ‼ This artefact is not unique to La Palma. Because they are in a a straight grid pattern. There's a plot afoot. It LOOKS like somebody wants a lot of Americans dead. You can verify these findings yourself by . It appears some type of technology is being used to specifically target the island and CAUSE earthquakes, and the attack pattern indicates it is intended to deliberately weaken the same southwest flank where the unstable land mass is located. You can see the Earthquakes in a unnatural grid pattern of Quakes that demonstrates this manipulation. Bill McGuire did not discount a tsunami from the collapse of the west flank in 2021 but did reaffirm that the west flank of the volcano remains an unstable rock mass. La Palma has been hit, and it's reasonable to suggest that these aren't an accident of nature. 6,000 people have been evacuated and 800 buildings lost, so far. During the latest 24 hour reporting window, IGN has detected 76 earthquakes, with most of them being in the deeper layer below 30 km depth. So is someone HAARPing the. He links to EMSC, an official site for earthquake activity. I read/heard couple months back about a tsunami on both coasts, but I thought it was loose lips. You can see something is strange about it: the earthquakes are shown as occurring on a grid. Not as many, but on grid pattern again. European-Mediterranean Seismology Center (EMSC) Create a map on a regular basis Seismic activity around the world. WW3NuclearApocalypse Offer Upgrade. The La Palma grid pattern represents the intersections of lines of latitude and longitude where. The eruption style is similar to Hawaiian eruptions, and both locations share the potential for flank collapse and tsunami. My bad! The Earthquakes were recorded by a YouTuber live on his channel. Off Grid Desert Farming shares proof of external manipulation of the Earthquakes hitting La Palma to purposely cause the Mega Tsunami to destroy the Coasts of the United States !! They are trying to set this off right now… earthquakes forming in grid pattern… this is simply unheard of… Creator says 40% chance they . Not a sausage. Earthquakes are recorded by grid reference (or the closest point) so if you have swarms they will look like a grid. The date of the vid is Oct. 22, and clearly, it shows artificial manipulation of tremors with the potential result of a portion of the island falling into the ocean, and a devastating tsunami . If you go to around 5:36 you see that the earthquakes are aligned as a grid. You can see this by zooming into La Palma in this website. Off Grid Desert Farming shares proof of external manipulation of the Earthquakes hitting La Palma to purposely cause the Mega Tsunami to destroy the Coasts of the United States !! The largest was a magnitude 4.8 quake this morning at 8.09 a.m.. Here is a screenshot from the link which verifies the grid pattern however it might be more logical to conclude that these are earthquake testing stations? The lava flow from this eruption has already destroyed over 200 homes and led to the evacuation of 5,000 people. Now look back at La Palma, it's easy to see the earthquake seismic activity patterns at La Palma do not look natural! Neil) The volcanic eruption which began on the Island of LaPalma in the Canary Islands, Atlantic Ocean, off the northwest coast of Africa seems to be getting some… Has anyone seen the earthquake pattern on La Palma via the EMS earthquake map? Earthquakes remain at similar numbers and intensity as in the past days. La Palma - Earthquake Map Shows Earthquake Weapon Being Used (23rd October 2021) Melissa Lev 171 Views . La Palma Island with recent earthquakes at X zoom, Creta at almost the same zoom and, what you can see at almost the same zoom of Mexico. View attachment 50669 User ID: 44917464 United States 10/23/2021 09:01 AM Report Abusive Post . Not as many, but on grid pattern again. It appears some type of technology is being used to specifically target the island and CAUSE earthquakes, and the attack pattern indicates it is intended to deliberately weaken the same southwest flank where the unstable land mass is located. La Palma Under Attack With Energy Weapons to Cause Mega-Tsunami It looks as though LaPalma is being attacked. Find Full Article Here:- (Note from Administrator, I do think maybe the grid image occurs due to a glitch in the magnifying software. This is a layout of earthquakes on La Palma over the last 48 hours. It's a plot that involves a grid of earthquake locations, under the island of La Palma. The coming tourist season is also blighted, but at least no lives . Whatever is going on on La Palma, may have begun naturally, but as of 11:45 PM eastern US time on Friday, October 22, 2021, it now clearly looks as though some type of man-made attack is taking place. Daniel Lee 9702 Gayton Road PMB 158 Richmond, VA 23238. 6 thoughts on "Here Is An Interesting Little Thing… La Palma Seems To Be Experiencing A Radiation Energy Attack" David Knollhoff says: Put simply, it is Europe's equivalent to the US Geological Survey in the USA. It happens everywhere on our maps, whenever there is a huge zoom on a very small area. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more! Okay, this is this is the southern end of of La Palma. You can see the Earthquakes in a unnatural grid pattern of Quakes that demonstrates this manipulation. FEATURED VIDEO CLIP: LA PALMA PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING FROM THE GAME SECRET . On Sunday the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma erupted. Grid like fashioned quakes appearing throughout the volcanic area where the biggest potential for a massive breakoff of the island into he ocean is predicated by scientists for many years now. La Palma's "grid-like" earthquake patterns look high suspicious as if the locations were intentionally designed and triggered with human intervention. Sineh 73 Views Unvaccinated Australian aborigines getting removed by the military into concentration camps. This aerial photo shows lava flows that are being generated by a fissure eruption upslope on La Palma. You can verify these findings yourself by . Then go check out Hawaii. User ID: 44917464 United States 10/23/2021 09:01 AM Report Abusive Post . The La Palma EMSC map shows a grid pattern of earthquakes caused by the eruption of Cumbreviejo. THEY WANT IT TO FALL INTO THE OCEAN . Then go check out Hawaii. There were 44 "official" earthquakes recorded of up to 2.1 . I read/heard couple months back about a tsunami on both coasts, but I thought it was loose lips. You can reach me directly for correspondence and to send prayer requests at (DO NOT USE THIS EMAIL TO SEND ME PAYPAL DONATIONS) —————— News Links for this Video: There were also 32 quakes below magnitude 2.0 which people don't normally feel. Published 22nd October 2021. Man made. On the EMSC map of La Palma, the earthquakes triggered by Cumbre Viejo's eruption appear in a grid. Put simply, it is Europe's equivalent to the US Geological Survey in the USA. earthquakes on a grid pattern. It's been a known scenario for quite some time, that if it fractures and part of it falls into the ocean, it would set off a chain reaction. Very strange! Conspiracy theory would be hysterically funny if it weren't so widespread and so incredibly dangerous. The other islands seem to have their current shapes. You've heard of the La Palma volcano in Canary Islands? La Palma Landslide Model - Specifics To model the potential tsunami generated from a collapse of Cumbre Vieja, let's consider a worst case (in terms of slide volume) -- a 500 km3 block, 25 km long, 15 km wide, and 1400 m thick that breaks away and spills westward into the deep ocean. (4) (foto Hal Turner Radio Show) It looks as though La Palma is being Attacked. The biggest we've had was a 3.5 magnitude earthquake and that doesn't "rock" anything. As many of you are aware the predictive programming for a La Palma induced tsunami is overwhelming, and the predictive programming also points to the La Palma event being an integral part in the antichrist taking over the world. This is not unique to La Palma. Here is a DIRECT LINK to the EMSC Earthquake map. Re: Earthquakes on La Palma appear in exact grid pattern Would all the mass that was once way down deep, but is now on the surface due to the lava, add to the weight and in turn the stress on the surface, such that the probability of a catastrophic failure and slip into the Atlantic Ocean is increased? This is causing a conspiracy theory online that the quake is on a uniform grid because it is artificial or artificial. Man made. The movement has also triggered earthquakes on the island, which is part of the Canary Island archipelago west of Morocco. La Palma Arificial Earthquake? September 22, 2021. You can verify these findings yourself by . According to the Express website, La Palma is being "smashed by hundreds of earthquakes from the deadly Cumbre Vieja." We've been so thoroughly smashed that I haven't felt a thing. Looks real enough to me. Is EMSC either using different longitude and latitude formats, or rounding their values, of the data they're pulling from Instituto Geografico Nacional which could lead to what appears to be a grid pattern where none actually exists when using the source data? Volcanic activity surrounding the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma between Oct 9th and 14th Credit: national geographic institute. Nov 4. If this trend continues then in the near future we are likely to see a huge explosive volcanic eruption and ensuing land slide generating a massive Atlantic Ocean tsunami as this researcher details. The La Palma Volcano Eruption | Maps Mania. The regional earthquake map of La Palma -- in Spain's Canary Islands off the northwest coast of Africa -- provided by the Spanish National Geographic Institute carries the coordinates to four decimal degrees and on that map there is no apparent grid pattern in the local seismic activity at this scale. WW3NuclearApocalypse Offer Upgrade. During 2021, La Palma Island was shaken by 62 quakes of magnitude 3.0 or above and 787 quakes between 2.0 and 3.0.There were also 1364 quakes below magnitude 2.0 which people don't normally feel. Getting Off the Electrical Grid - #SolutionsWatch. (sigh) bunches of ppl are thinking La Palma Island is having earthquakes in a straight lined grid. La Palma Arificial Earthquake? Whatever is going on on La Palma, may have begun naturally, but as of 11:45 PM eastern US time on Friday, October 22, 2021, it now clearly looks as though some type of man-made attack is taking place. Whatever is going on on La Palma, may have begun naturally, but as of 11:45 PM eastern US time on Friday, October 22, 2021, it now clearly looks as though some type of man-made attack is taking place. 4. Wouldn't have believed it if hadn't seen it. THEY WANT IT TO FALL INTO THE OCEAN . Clearly there's something profoundly unnatural about this. That is a helluva different conclusion made by other scientists that there is no risk of a tsunami from the present eruption. Literally nothing. Attack? It LOOKS like somebody wants a lot of Americans dead. My bad! Volcano Watch is a weekly article and activity update written by U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists and affiliates. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. The European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre's interactive map displays a perfect grid centered along the Cumbre Viejo ridge. It LOOKS like somebody wants a lot of Americans dead. The European-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) regularly maps seismic activity worldwide. So, let me adjust this map one more time. Like all of the Canary Islands the island of La Palma was originally formed from volcanic activity. Very strange! As I noted in an earlier post, I spent a part of last week on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands.Whilst my visit was to mark the opening of the GOTO telescope in my Vice-President role, I also took two days to explore the supposed mega-landslide that, it has been suggested, could generate a huge and very damaging tsunami. 6 quakes were felt on the island today. You can see this by zooming into La Palma in this website. NOT mine!). Went to the emsc site, queried 48hrs, zoomed in one the map, and a perfect grid appeared. earthquakes on a grid pattern. SS: La Palma getting attention in conspiracy streams lately as the earthquake activity appears unnatural on monitoring maps. It appears some type of technology is being used to specifically target the island and CAUSE earthquakes, and the attack pattern indicates it is intended to deliberately weaken the same southwest flank where the unstable land mass is . Attack? Since I live in New Jersey, the last thing I . Map is going to show a grid no matter where the quakes are. On the EMSC map of La Palma, the earthquakes triggered by Cumbre Viejo's eruption appear in a grid pattern, which has sparked conspiracy theories online that they are in a uniform grid because . One of the lava flows is entering the ocean, creating new land called a lava . La Palma is being rocked by earthquakes and the volcano's cone has collapsed. Has anyone seen the earthquake pattern on La Palma via the EMS earthquake map? Biggest quake: 3.8 quake La Palma Island, 5.1 km south of Los Llanos de Aridane, Spain, Sep 20, 2021 9:32 pm (GMT +1).Read More Earthquake Catalog Look up past earthquakes in this area by date or date range: Today it threatens democracy, human health, and world peace, among many other things. The La Palma EMSC map shows a grid pattern of earthquakes caused by the eruption of Cumbreviejo. Just because other testing stations are not in a grid pattern does not mean La Palma's are not. . I'm not even saying I buy into this theory or anything, but it seemed relevant to share given that we are seeing a systematic grid of earthquakes hitting the Island of La Palma over the past 48 hours (Oct. 22 - Oct. 24, 2021). La Palma's "grid-like" earthquake patterns look high suspicious as if the locations were intentionally designed and triggered with human intervention. Discussion about LA PALMA WARNING - earthquakes swarming in a grid - sawing the south tip off. Like Hawaiian volcanoes, La Palma typically erupts lava flows. Photo courtesy Radio Televisión Canaria La Palma is a basaltic shield volcano in the Canary Islands. The YouTuber speculates that it is an intentional event, and that the resultant waves could hit the […] I did not believe this information. In the internet age, scientists and rational… The thunderous roar makes it an ominous spectacle. To mail donations, my PO Box address is: Daniel Lee PO BOX 32842 Juneau, AK 99803. 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