why did sirius want to kill harry

Years before Harry's birth and Lily and James' death, professor Trelawney was just being interviewed for a job at Hogwarts when she uttered a prophecy we learn about in the books and movies that started the whole story: He was half-Kneazle, as evidenced by his lion-like appearance, ability to solve problems on his own without aid or teaching, and clear dislike of and ability at recognising untrustworthy persons (even if they are transfigured). Naturally, as Harry's godfather, Sirius wants to go with the rest of the Order of the Phoenix to save Harry and the others from Voldemort and the Death Eaters, but by making this decision, he ends up dying at . How much do you really know about Sirius Black? They didn't want to wake up Mrs. Black & hear her shrieking. He probably hoped Voldemort would go after him so he could steer attention away from Pettigrew. The problem is trying to. Where did you get a wand, Sirius Black? Harry Potter: Why Voldemort Didn't Use Avada Kedavra On Snape Of course, since it's Harry Potter, things go awry. He's the reason they're dead!". She was a Death Eater, and they were on the opposing side. First, we must realize that Harry doesn't seem to consciously drop the Stone. ! By Marie C. On Août 26, 2021. He is focused on his confrontation with Voldemort now. Conclusion: Sirius tried to kill Snape because Snape had inconvenienced him and his friends. Sirius's best friend was Harry's father. The only reason they didn't was because Harry didn't want them to and asked them to let Pettigrew be taken to Azkaban instead of them killing him. In 1993 Crookshanks was purchased from Magical Menagerie by Hermione Granger. Harry responds with "I know why! Sirius despised Snape to the point of having tried to kill him in their later years at Hogwarts, so it's safe to say that he probably wasn't happy with Dumbledore's determination to keep the ex-Death Eater around — especially as he spent many classes being abusive towards Harry. Harry also prematurely enters Dumbledore's Pensieve, where he saw his father, James, and Sirius bullying Snape and Snape, calling Harry's mother . time limit:t < 10 min - Developed by: Laura - Developed on: 2003-06-01 - 5,778 taken - User Rating: 3,9 of 5 - 204 Votes. Why did everyone whisper in the hall at number 12 , Grimmauld place? Why did Bellatrix Lestrange kill Sirius Black and Nymphadora Tonks? Voldemort uses the Avada Kedavra curse on Harry Potter, which sends Harry into limbo, destroys the Horcrux, and allows Harry to kill Voldemort. Biggest Plot Holes in 'Harry Potter' Why did Voldemort want to kill Harry's parents in the first place At the time it was thought that this was because harry had uh worse things in his past then most others. Voldemort was certain it was about Harry since they mutual a comparable past and also was encouraged he to be his mortal enemy and his parents acquired in the way. 1" with the pretence of . It took him to London, where he stayed at the Leaky Cauldron and learnt that Sirius Black, a murderer. i dont know why j.k. would kill him but she said that she doesnt kll people lightly . During the 1993-1994 school year, Sirius Black engaged in an attempt to kill Peter Pettigrew and avenge the deaths of James and Lily Potter. They would want to share the blame, rather put all of the blame on one person's shoulders, say Sirius. Why did everyone whisper in the hall at number 12 , Grimmauld place? It turns out Sirius was framed and is trying to assist Harry Potter and later saves his life. Sirius insisted that Kreacher could not be set free because he, He then ordered Kreacher to take the locket and leave. Sirius Black was believed to be headed for Hogwarts, which turned out to be true. He just burned him. This was the prophecy from the 5th book which made Voldemort think that Harry was the one who would remove him from power (as he was then). Obviously Dumbledore didn't know Sirius was innocent. Why Didnt Harry Die As A Baby Having overheard a prophecy by Professor Trelawney which foretold that a boy born in July would become his equal, Voldemort arrives at Godrics Hollow specifically to kill Harry Potter. Harry decides to stay a while. Sirius's whole purpose in breaking out of Azkaban and coming to Hogwarts was to kill the traitor who'd caused the deaths of his friends and his own false imprisonment. By killing Sirius, J.K.Rowling has tried to make Harry independent in his decisions. Harry first hears about Black on the muggle news, where they say that he's an escaped convict. Instead, he persisted on treating Harry like James had returned from the dead. I want to go further then the fact that he hates Snape and wanted revenge I think there's more to it then that. Voldemort actually wanted to kill Harry Potter due to the fact that of a prophecy that claimed there to be a young whose powers will certainly be the end of Voldemort. Dumbledore KNEW that Harry would not die. He killed thirteen people with a single curse, one of whom was one of his best friends, Peter Pettigrew.After spending twelve years in the wizard prison Azkaban for this crime, Black escapes . Harry fled the house and caught a Knight Bus, a service for stranded wizards and witches. No. Did Sirius Black Kill 12 muggles? The Reason Dumbledore Allowed Snape to Kill Him. He wanted to kill Peter Pettigrew (wormtail) for betraying Lily and James to Voldemort. Sirius never in any way said that Harry should die. The curse and the potion did it. Tell me, which of the above is false? Why did wormtail kill himself? Also, Sirius was killed during one of the most important scenes in the series. Whether it was for ignoring his message or for goading Sirius earlier on, Harry partially blamed Snape for his godfathers death. Black escapes from Azkaban in Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban because he wants to find Pettigrew and kill him for what he had done.So, no, Sirius Black was never actually a criminal. That's how Snape describes Harry to Dumbledore. At first, it seemed to yield to Pettigrew's command, but Voldemort designed it to strangle its owner if any sign of treason or weakness was demonstrated. Regulus decided that he didn't want to serve Voldemort any more, and also discovered that Voldemort had created a Horcrux. Did he break rules? Bringing forth Peter's human form, finding that Peter faked his own death, proved that everything Sirius was accused of was false. Why Did Voldemort Wanna Kill Lily James And Harry Potter lunarocks111 posted over a year ago Mrs-X said:I may be wrong because its been a while since Ive read the books but if I remember well Voldemort only wanted to kill Harry but when his parents tried to intervene, Voldemort killed them. Before he returned to Hogwarts after the Christmas break, Sirius gave Harry a badly wrapped package and told him to use its contents to contact him should . He wanted to avenge the death of 'You-Know-Who' - evil Lord Voldemort - whom Harry had killed to avenge the death of his parents (see earlier Harry Potter books). Dumbledore did not want Harry killed. 3 level 1 Voldemort Harry doesn't even have the time to properly mourn Sirius before he's shipped back to the Dursley's for the summer. Gaunt Ring . If the Ministry figures out that Sirius and Lupin killed Pettigrew, even if they believe the story of Pettigrew being a Death Eater, the pair will still be punished if they used Avada Kedavra, or some other spell. Sirius Black is said to want to kill Harry and is loyal to the dark lord. Things like that do happen in battle, you know. They only attack harry. I must be the one to kill Harry Potter, and I shall be.Lord Voldemort The Plot to kill Harry Potter was one of the main purposes of the Second Wizarding War, in which various witches and wizards attempted to assassinate Harry Potter, due to the influence of Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore lied to Snape. Dumbledore lied to Snape. Jun 27, 2021 The reason Harry's parents were murdered by Lord Voldemort was because he was able to rat with the Weasley family for 12 years after helping to murder Lily and James Potter. Where did you get a wand, Sirius Black? That's not Sirius, but rather another dog to represent and foreshadow "The Grim" Harry will learn about later. Voldemort was certain it was about Harry since they shared a similar past and was convinced he was his mortal enemy and his parents got in the way. They have prepared him well. His parents, Remus, and Sirius have given him all the support they can. Does Dumbledore know that Sirius is innocent? "You should have realised,' said Lupin quietly. What Dumbledore wanted was for Harry to believe he had to die, in order for Harry's "sacrifice" to give the same power of protection to the defenders of Hogwarts that Harry had gotten from his mother. Draco was tasked by Voldemort to kill Dumbledore, which is obviously not an easy task to do. Why did Sirius kill Harry? They didn't want to wake up Mrs. Black & hear her shrieking. Peter thought he would have support to hide behind but now he feared the Death Eaters because he feared the Death Eaters would assume his intel was a trap for Voldemort. So, Snape killed Dumbledore but he didn't cause his death. This doesn't suggest that they knew back then. … On April 16, Hermione is attacked by a mountain troll in Hogwarts. Sirius Black is after Harry because he is Harry's godfather. Why did Sirius Black not kill Harry Potter? Being well-read on the subject of curses (and every other subject, for that matter), she thought Snape was . Voldemort wanted to kill Harry and his family because of the prophecy. The answer is that Sirius wanted to deflect attention from the real Secret-Keeper. Ultimately, he should have stepped up for Harry because of what his godson was going through but he didn't seem capable of doing it. Sirius mentions Peter Pettigrew right after, clearing up who they actually want to kill. When Harry and his friends go to the Department of Mysteries, they think that Sirius is being held by Voldemort.However, this is all a lie and was a vision made up to deceive Harry. … Snape simply breathed air and James hated him, just because he dared to breath air. Sirius might be angry that Harry's muggle parents kicked him out. Perhaps it was easier than facing the pain of his loss. In comparison to Snape, Lily, James, and Sirius, Harry was indeed mediocre. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Bellatrix teaches her nephew Draco Malfoy Occlumency after he receives orders from Voldemort to kill Albus Dumbledore so that he can keep it a secret. In the 3rd book the dementors come onto the train to see if anyone is concealing Voldemort. Aside from those points, Peter admitted to doing so (betraying Harry's parents). He wanted to kill Wormtail, who was in his animagus form - rat, Ron's pet Scabbers. Meanwhile, Hermione noticed Professor Snape muttering with his eyes fixed on Gryffindor's Seeker and, being Hermione, put two and two together. Harry listened to Sirius' story and accepted it for the truth, as did Dumbledore. Voldemort failed to kill Harry and Sirius immediately went to confront Peter because he knew who the secret keeper was. Why did Voldemort want to kill Harry instead of Neville? I understand those things that I did not understand before. Sirius may have been one of a kind in many respects, but he was not the first - or second - of his name. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin originally had planned to kill Peter, and they were both quite eager to do it, especially Sirius. During the 1993-1994 school year, Sirius Black engaged in an attempt to kill Peter Pettigrew and avenge the deaths of James and Lily Potter. Once Harry reenters the magical world, he learns that Sirius Black was one of Voldemort's closest supporters. The answer is that Sirius wanted to deflect attention from the real Secret-Keeper. Sirius is also an animagus which means he can change into a certain animal. It was also a death that only happened as a result of a plot hole due to an event earlier in the same novel, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore pops in for a chat. Harry decides to go back to save Sirius on 6th June 1994. Dumbledore knew for a fact that Snape was guilty, but truly believed he'd repented due to his reasons, his desperation, and his willingness to go to Dumbledore in the first place. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin originally had planned to kill Peter, and they were both quite eager to do it, especially Sirius. All the while it had been portrayed that way because Sirius was wrongly accused and prisoned and Wormtail cleverly went to his animagus form. After all, Severus Snape was a proud man. Snape wasn't even pretending to be a double agent during Philosopher's Stone, so why Voldemort didn't kill Snape as soon as he was physically able, or have Quirrell attempt to kill him, is unclear. Sirius Black never asked for Dumbledore's help. How much do you really know about Sirius Black? Despite the hindrance of being a fugitive from the Ministry of Magic and Peter being well-protected inside Hogwarts Castle disguised as a pet rat owned by Ronald Weasley, Sirius eventually managed to get Peter away from the castle and to the Shrieking . What Dumbledore wanted was for Harry to believe he had to die, in order for Harry's "sacrifice" to give the same power of protection to the defenders of Hogwarts that Harry had gotten from his mother. Why would they say that? Why did Sirius Black betray the Potters? Sirius black never wanted to kill Harry Potter. Dumbledore learned that he did not have more than a year to live. It may seem like a small change, but its huge. Harry and Fred and . Actually, he didn't want to kill Dumbledore but he had to do it. He was sorted into Gryffindor and was he first in the Black family to ever . However, Voldemort chose Harry as his target, who was, like himself, a half-blood, rather than the pure-blooded boy named Neville. When Harry broke cover, Voldemort possessed him and dared Dumbledore to kill the both of them. "You should have realised,' said Lupin quietly. Sirius showed how dedicated he was to Harry, he escaped Azkabhan because he realised Harry was in direct danger, he left a tropical climate to head to freezing Scotland because Harry's scar hurt. Did Hermione die in Harry Potter? Sep 08, 2021 The reason Harry's parents were murdered by Lord Voldemort was because he was able to rat with the Weasley family for 12 years after helping to murder Lily and James Potter. Later in the series, Dumbledore approached Snape to teach Harry the Occlumency, which protects the mind against external influence. Sirius Black III (3 November, 1959 -18 June, 1996), also known as Padfoot or Snuffles (in his Animagus form) was an English pure-blood wizard, the older son of Orion and Walburga Black, the brother of Regulus Black, and godfather of Harry Potter.Although he was the heir of the House of Black, Sirius disagreed with his family's belief in blood purity and defied tradition when he was Sorted . Of course Remus knows who Sirius really wants to kill, and Remus says Harry deserves to know why they are killing Pettigrew because he is actually the one that betrayed Harry's parents and then faked his own death, framing Sirius. Because at that point if Peter went to Azkaban in book 3 the DE in Azkaban would know Peter did not die back in 1981. In your post, you argued that this is out of character for Sirius, but regrettably, Sirius has exhibited a pattern of recklessness and violence throughout his entire life, as well as disregard for anybody else and whether they live or die. Firstly, because he had to keep a promise he had given Dumbledore earlier. Sadly, according to the Black Family tapestry, Sirius did not survive into adulthood. Dumbledore KNEW that Harry would not die. The scent of Padfoot lost into the water. Sirius even says in the third book that when Peter goes to Azkaban the death eaters will blame him for Voldemort's death because Voldemort went to kill Harry on Peter's information. Dumbledore did not want Harry killed. 234 views View upvotes Benjamin Johnson , Reader and fanfic writer of Harry Potter. So Voldemort had to kill them to get to Harry. Harry's parents died in the process, but the love of Harry's mother, Lily, protected Harry and allowed him to survive the attack, thus paving the way for his future and the eventual defeat of . harry should have named his som James Sirius Potter!! Another reason why did Snape kill Dumbledore is because there is this Unbreakable Vow between Severus Snape and Narcissa Malfoy, Dracos mother. Now the conflict lies between Harry and Voldemort. i wanted bellatrix to die and still do i hate her for killing the man that was my second-favorite character!!! Sirius Black From: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter Thirty-Five, "Beyond the Veil", p. 741. Harry's fight at the Department of Mysteries with The Death Eaters is the defining moment in the series about the connection between Harry and The Dark Lord. Dumbledore also wanted that Snape remains a member of the death eaters. Sirius never wanted to kill Harry. Where did you get a wand, Sirius Black? He was the big . Why do Dementors want Harry? Harry didn't want to be famous and that aside, most of Snape's remarks are true. Nobody doubts Sirius would, indeed, have died for his friends - so why not be Secret-Keeper anyway, given nobody could have tortured that secret out of him? As well, it was an act of mercy, as Dumbledore was already dying, from the curse he received because of the Ring. Voldemort chose Harry as he believed Harry was the most danger to him and he saw himself in Harry before even seeing him. Harry Potter: 20 Things Hermione Did Between Deathly Hallows And Cursed Child. Like with James Potter's final words, Sirius' sudden end reflects his character traits: brave, slightly arrogant, and desperate to fight for what he believes in. What really killed quirrel, was voldemort leaving his body, and the fact that harry didn't even have the strength to do it, since dumbles was holding him back. Sirius Black was also a proud man. Bellatrix and Sirius are cousins, their family were obsessed with pure blood families and Sirius did not agree with this. … sirius black never want to kill harry potter ,but on the other hand he want to save him from wormtail who betrayed harry parents. Harry has just been killed by Lord Voldemort and is sitting in a very white and empty King's Cross Station. Sirius might be a little peeved that Harry has run off on his own or maybe that Harry blew up his aunt, breaking a well-known but often broken wizarding law. When he killed Severus Snape (Alan Rickman) in Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2, Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) used his Horcrux snake Nagini instead of his favorite Unforgivable Curse Avada Kedavra.Throughout the Harry Potter movies, which were inspired by J.K. Rowling's books of the same name, Voldemort used the Killing Curse on several characters, including Alastor Moody and Lily and . To avoid such circumstances, he requested Snape to kill him when it was the right time. Biggest Plot Holes in 'Harry Potter' Why did Voldemort want to kill Harry's parents in the first place With Kreacher in order to take the locket and drank the potion < a href= '' https: //www.answers.com/Q/Why_did_Bellatrix_Lestrange_kill_Sirius_Black >! Not survive into adulthood Wormtail, who was in his past then most others draco! 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