why the message bible is dangerous

It is a potential danger even for those who avoid its more obvious . It was then I got on the internet and read A LOT more and studied LOTS. I am thankful that Gods grace is sufficient enough for you, me and Eugene Peterson because God is the only one that knows the heart. We are in a dark time. That is where true salvation begins. Biblical scholars can do real spiritual harm by casually dismissing the texts that students hold dear. Refusing to know God, they soon didn't know how to be human either women didn't know how to be women, men didn't know how to be men. Here's what to do if your recipients are seeing "This Message Seems Dangerous" in emails you send: 1. This is not new; it's normal. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. The latter error seems to me to be the more common danger in the church. 1. They concluded that Eugene Peterson had indeed made a decision to insert occultic words into the book but they still chose to read from it! Other times, we are ignorant because we have chosen not to learn something we need to know. Like I said, it is a commentary, not a translation and it should be treated as such. Thank you so much. Since it is more of a commentary than a real Bible, it does not have the same effect of cutting into the depths of the heart. I gave the leaders and some church members paper copies of this resource. On the other hand, a man oozing with love and compassion can err by tolerating everything and everyone, thus compromising God's truth. ", Dr. Peterson's paraphrase here is vivid and powerful, with nothing watered down or weakened, describing the most debased aspects of homosexual practice in stark, clear terms. Trust God to reveal truth to in Love, Isaiah 5:13. English Standard Version (ESV): preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. ", Nothing is watered down here, and the paraphrase is close and fair. Of course, I could cite hundreds of brilliant renderings in The Message, and sometimes, when preaching, I'll cite one of them, since it powerfully drills home the point. And notice also the reference in The Messageto those who "use and abuse the earth and everything in it." He goes so far as to say it's a form of sacrilege to speak of God in language that is "inflated into balloons of abstraction or diffused into the insubstantiality of lacey gossamer." Blessings my brothers n sisters stay in prayer n God Bless you all. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. "This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. However, by itself, the Bible is not reliable as a single historical source. In his book the Bible he expressly commands us not to change his words (Proverbs 30:6, Revelation 22:19). According to Psalm 138:2 God magnifies His Word above His name. We can get a glimpse of the strengths and weaknesses of The Messageby looking at how Dr. Peterson treated a number of key verses dealing with homosexual practice. This should be emphasized whenever a preacher or teacher quotes from it, I believe. Millions, if not billions of people, base their . In this case, divination is completely neutral. "You have something divine in your hands: a book like fire! Tyndale got a Bible into the hands of the common person. 6. Hoping it will appear in Google listings in time. Those who promote use of the Message tend to deny the sinful nature of man and the exclusivity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ alone for salvation. You can do anything you want! Posted on . The purpose of those are the same as the Message, which is to make it more understandable to the reader. through the darkest valley, Paraphrase is often written by a single author who translates the Bible in their own words, sometimes not even using the original biblical languages as a foundation. 7. Smoking cigarettes is a sin. Becoming a scholar is the job of the church leader SO they can speak it upon any person of any intelligence. Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. The Message has sold over 10 million copies and has continually ranked among the top five best-selling Bibles. . I was appalled and immediately went home and read A LOT . I've even cited The Messagein some of my academic, biblical commentary writing. Eugene Peterson might be the William Tyndale of the 21st century or just an individual who wants to distort the bible or some who sincerely want to make the bible easy to read but making some mistakes. There was no malice in eating and therefore not offensive. Not to lower ourselves to the call of whatever is popular at the moment. 4) Good News Translation (GNT) - Also known as the Good News Bible (GNB), the GNT was created by the American Bible Society as a translation that would be simple enough for anyone to easily pick up and understand, including individuals learning the English language and children. Use it, then, in a supplemental way and, where it really nails things or clarifies things, learn from it. Required fields are marked *. That type of persuasion keeps them in the dark. as we also have forgiven our debtors. Isaiah was born in 760 B.C. Keep us alive with three square meals. 3) The Living Bible (TLB) - First published in 1971, The Living Bible is another paraphrase translation by sole translator, Kenneth Taylor. One lady, a former church leader, reportedly lay awake all night wrestling with the issue. When did Paul write this? Surely Peterson should do the same. It certainly waters down the living word and I cant see anything in that text that would convict anyone. The Message Bible Good vs. I also showed church leaders other occult words in The Message such as Light-bearers and Divine Guardians. So, The Messagedoes speak about those who "use and abuse each other, use and abuse sex," but what in the world does that mean? Or even that the sacrificed child is evil. This is wrong; it is not a translation it is a paraphrase, which makes it a commentary at best. With verse markings (The Message: The Numbered Edition): This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 03:21. I would sit alone on a sofa with no one ready to converse with me. Solomon's example can teach us a lesson about how dangerous compromise with God's law can be. Witnesses, who also changed the Bible around to fit what they wanted to say, they created the NWT Bible. Ultimately, God is the judge and we are not. The Message promotes the mystical New Age message with a boldness never seen in a mainstream Bible. .". Contempt for it is contempt for the truth. I continued my protest. Favorites and Bookmarks for your favorite bible verses. The following is a list of "Bible" translations that should be avoided for any real and faithful personal Bible study (in a separate article we will look at a list of Bible translations that are encouraged for use). Your trusty shepherds crook The Message keeps the language of the gospel compelling and modern. One of the most dangerous Bible revisions on the market today is "THE MESSAGE." This horrible PERversion which butchers the Word of God was published in 2002. . Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. One academic I read said it this way, Peterson has confused the mission of a Bible translator with the mission of the Holy Spirit., Absolutely my spirit not going well with it n yes. God bless. Word-for-word is a more literal translation of the original language used and puts more of the onus on the reader to discover the intended meaning of the author. Many young people who want to serve on a short-term basis with us in the the Scottish housing schemes are on fire for the poor and passionate about being "missional" and "breaking down barriers.". In his book on Bible reading, Eat This Book, Eugene Peterson writes about his motivations in writing The Message. It is written in a conversational style with contemporary language, making it easier for readers to relate to on a personal level. It is written in a conversational style with contemporary language, making it easier for readers to relate to on a personal level. As a white male . Ephesians 2:2 reminds us of a time when we were walking according to the way of this world. The following is a list of Bible translations that should be avoided for any real and faithful personal Bible study (in a separate article we will look at a list of Bible translations that are encouraged for use). 2-3 He lets me rest in the meadow grass and leads me beside the quiet streams. Through Jesus Christ, we have been freed from the bondage of sin and death. I wish you all the best! for you are with me; Garbage. Even the publisher of The Message realizes this paraphrase cannot replace a faithful Bible translation, and I would argue further that it has the potential to ultimately mislead. I read your article, with interest. I just recently found your article that was written in 2017 as I was searching for errors in the Message. One need only look at how the cultural mindset of those who use the Message tends towards a theologically liberal or completely postmodern way of looking at things. Then it happens, some how a day slips by and you realize that you didn't read the your Bible. To help us keep our feet on the path that leads to life, below are 10 biblical warnings Christ's followers should take more seriously. About ten people in total complained about me that week. 2) When pastors preach from it, it encourages people to use it, this is dangerous because the Message is full of errors, false doctrine, and occult philosophy. 6 the end of the Lords Prayer is about forgiving not Gods attributes you may be confusing scripture with the Doxology/song. "The Message offers vibrant language that awakens my heart to the wonders of God's Word again and again. He asked his people to respect his grace in Numbers. (a) (The Message) "Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy leaving us more lonely than ever - the kind of sex that can never "become one"." (b) Comment: Sexual immorality is reduced to "the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy". Other translations have just one translator, thereby single-handedly taking on a role that is meant for a diverse team of renowned biblical translators of various denominations. Some do know the truth but you will only know that by discovering it yourself. Tyndale was killed by the Catholic Church because the Catholic Church did not want the common person to have a Bible. How many times have learned preachers over a couple of centuries, with over 32,000 denominations of The Way (the early name of Christianity in the days of the Early Church), read from Scripture and then got the context wrong in the rest of their message somewhere else? It's been the case from the beginning that Christians are slandered, and one of the worst slanders is to consider our love dangerous. I just read your comments on the message bible and I agree that it is dangerous for Christians who are not seasoned in the word. Even in moderation, alcohol use causes significant problemsphysically, mentally, and spiritually. Not the way man tryed n break it down not like this However, Taylor does not follow the typical biblical translation process of using the original language manuscripts to create his translation. He commanded them to remember his grace in Deuteronomy. God says, in Isaiah 1:18, "Come now and let us reason together." With alcohol use we temporarily and permanently stupefy our reasoning powers. Teaching the New Testament can be a dangerous thing. 2) The Passion Translation (TPT) - This is another paraphrase translation like The Message. Look for Part 2 of this article, where we will review the top 5 Bible translations to use. Perhaps you can give me a link to read it? The Samaritans, however, believed that their temple, on Mount Gerizim, was where true worship . People are not running from the word of God or Jesus, but the judgement and hatefulness of some Christians. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it. And there were other translation before the KJ Bible. One person stormed up to me and demanded that I send her no more emails. (23 October 2018). August 23, 2017 Gossip always contributes to a problem and never to a solution. Finally, I have to say, the attitudes in a lot of these comments and from the opinion of the author is why many people are leaving the practice of Christianity. And why are they persecuted? This is the main message of the entire Bible, Old and New Testament, that those who have repented and trusted in Christ "have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord. The following translations listed below should be avoided altogether, as utilizing them can lead to grave theological errors, the teaching of a radically different gospel, and a counterfeit Jesus. Eugene Peterson created The Message, a Bible translation which emphasizes the need to trust God rather than focus on material possessions or appearances. Jesus is warning the people that they must repent and turn away from their sins if they want to be saved from Gods judgement. [2], According to the Introduction to the New Testament of The Message, its "contemporary idiom keeps the language of the Message (Bible) current and fresh and understandable". The Bible Is Dangerous, Inaccurate, And Written By Man The Bible is the most accurate historical book on planet earth. Return to homepage. Unjust people who don't care about God will not be joining in his kingdom. Some manuscripts add, for yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Bible translations will vary between these three categories and it is important to know which translation falls into which category, along with other attributes that will make the translation either a faithful representation of the original, infallible, and inerrant Word of God or a misleading book posing as a Bible. Schedule II: Drugs with some medically acceptable uses, but with high potential for abuse and/or addiction. Blog, Bible Message / January 12, 2023 by Karen Correia / Leave a Comment. The Message translation adds an extra layer of meaning by suggesting that having a generous eye is a way of showing respect for Gods truth. 12 and forgive us our sins, just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us. Remove unnecessary links, images, and attachments. (See 2 Timothy 2:15.) Eventually and with prayer other people in the church started to get disquieted by The Message. Keep pressing into the Lord! but deliver us from the evil one.'". The Passion is the work of sole translator, Brian Simmons, whose work has been heavily critiqued by the scholarly world. They are persecuted because they wear a cross and bear witness to Jesus. Your worldview is different. This one comes from the New Apostolic Reformation ( NAR) camp, from the brain of one man, a human-appointed "Apostle.". This is why HE he stated that the Sabbath was made for man, man wasnt made for the Sabbath. I am not alone. 4 Even when the way goes through Your kingdom come, When bestows glory on anything, its beautiful. Reveal who you are. We are going to keep the old Bible for several compelling reasons. The Bible warns against personal interpretations of Scripture (2 Peter 1:20). 26 Comments ", The Messagereads: "Don't have sex with a man as one does with a woman. We were living in sin, and letting the world dictate how we should live our lives. Reach out to [emailprotected] when you have time. Yes. on earth as it is in heaven. This was the only Bible they could get. The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language (MSG) is a paraphrase of the Bible in contemporary English. Therefore My people go into exile for their lack of knowledge; Thats why officials must have a good reputation and be faithful in marriage. We no longer need to be slaves to the ways of this world; instead, we can walk according to Gods will and purpose for our lives. So, if the Bible is the Word of God, and God is perfect, it follows that the Bible must be perfect, too. In Luke 9:61-62, we read of Jesus' conversation with a person who wanted to follow Him, but was denied due to this reason. Taylors lack of understanding of Hebrew and Greek and absent use of the original manuscripts has led to disingenuous passages and verses such as his translation of John 12:15. Our Father in heaven, But use it with caution: It is, by design, a very free paraphrase. These drugs can be obtained through prescription. Schedule III: Drugs with low to moderate potential for abuse and/or . It wasnt too long ago that we were stuck in this stagnant life of sin, but thankfully, God has given us a new life through Jesus Christ. Again, the attempt to make a translation that is simple for anyone comes at the cost of containing misleading text, such as claiming the Holy Spirit actually replaces Jesus (John 14:26) and gender-neutralizing Pauls instructions for a pastor (1 Timothy 3:1-5). His name in Hebrew (Yeshayahu) means "Yah [weh] is salvation.". ", The ESV reads: "For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Eugene Petersons translation of The Message removes this idea of worrying about paying for clothing and instead warns against vanity and attention to fancy clothing. (Dis)Honorable Mention: Two translations that most Christians know to avoid but should still be mentioned are the New World Translation (NWT), which was commissioned by the Jehovahs Witness cult and the Readers Digest Bible, which cuts out about 55% of the Old Testament and another 25% of the New Testament (including Revelation 22:19, which says, if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book). Faith same sex, homosexuality, trey pearson, everyday sunday, christian rock, love is love, back to school, anxiety, fear, college, worry, peace, Burning Scripture with Passion: A Review of The Psalms (The Passion Translation). Also, check to make sure your email is well written. A confused sheep relies more readily on the institution for support. Taylor also inserts his own ideas into the passage, adding that Jesus will come to you meekly which is certainly not part of the original Greek manuscript. It is specifically targeted toward U.S. English speakers with its use of American contemporary slang. 11 Give us our food again today, as usual, The scene in Oslo after Christian terrorist, Anders Breivik, struck. Would love to hear more. Garbage - Life's Little Slices. Thats why the bible says were should study to show ourselves approved. The shepherds and leaders are deceived. That is abhorrent. He is emphasizing how these same-sex acts are flatly contrary to God's design and also explaining how, historically, the human race was given over to idolatry and sin.). why is x2 closed at magic mountain; ul858 household electric ranges standard for safety; barron trump height problem; dr sebi daughter; growth mindset activities for high school pdf why the message bible is dangerous. Remember almost the entire word is deceived. He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Jonathan Kotyk is a student, self taught philosopher, recovering addict and born again Christian. Pastors should not be encouraging people to us such a book, since it fills peoples heads with error. Clean Up Your Email. Although it appears that Eugene Peterson's bible The Message is endorsed by many prominent people this does not mean we accept what they promote without testing it against Scripture. I had to sit through two church services tailored to support the churchs use of The Message. If you're reading the ESV (or most other translations) and you're sleeping with your girlfriend or committing adultery with your neighbor's spouse or practicing homosexuality, Paul's words will hit you between the eyes: "Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality . The Message, I was told, is a paraphrase, a commentary, a rendition, a transliteration, etc, etc. This phrase is used to describe someone who is wicked and deceitful, as snakes are often seen as symbols of evil in the Bible. Compare Micah 3:5 in the MESSage bible to the King James Bible and others. The second most dangerous way to read the Bible is to let someone create preconceived notions for you. HE speaks of things to steer clear of because they will more likely than not lead you to sin. I would question whether Peterson feels the same way. The Messages technique in translating the original text is so casual in its approach that NavPress, publisher of The Message, says, It's not meant to replace your current version of choice. Following is the first 2 of 9 points that demonstrate why Peterson's bible is not a translation or even a paraphrase. I hope this list has been helpful and will steer you in the right direction as to which Bible translations are profitable for training you up in righteousness. Unjust people who don't care about God will not be joining in his kingdom. It is an accurate paraphrasing of the bible rather than a. Read full chapter. So every version that we read from is a translated interpretation. I found it helpful to cobble together a resource from various websites showing examples of how The Message has tampered with Bible verses, misrepresented the gospel, and added occult and New Age words. for his names sake. Thank you! He is asking them who directed them to flee from the wrath that is coming. Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, "Introduction to the New Testament, from The Message", "2006 Christian Book Awards Winners - Bibles category", Eugene Peterson interview at a U2 fansite, The Holy Bible from Ancient Eastern Manuscripts, Jewish Publication Society of America Version, New Jewish Publication Society of America Tanakh, New English Translation of the Septuagint, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Message_(Bible)&oldid=1142387790, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Robert L. Hubbard Jr., North Park Theological Seminary (chair), Richard E. Averbeck, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Bryan E. Beyer, Columbia International University, Duane A. Garrett, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Donald R. Glenn, Dallas Theological Seminary, Paul R. House, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, John N. Oswalt, Asbury Theological Seminary, Prescott H. Williams Jr., Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, William W. Klein, Denver Seminary (chair), Moises Silva, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Rodney A. Whitacre, Trinity School of Ministry. And not a great church to go to if salvation is paramount. Copyright 2023, The Bottom Line Ministries. Is it still available? I always have my NKJV Bible with me and when I saw what was on the screen it did appear correct from what I read in the NKJV. Church officials must be in control of their own families, and they must see that their children are obedient and always respectful. 4 Even when walking through the dark valley of death I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me, guarding, guiding all the way. 13 Dont bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the Evil One. God spoke: "Light!" I saw new believers using The Message as their actual Bible during a study, and felt like The Message was robbing them of some choice meat when they read passages from it that were flowery but so watered-down. IE. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Preach in the full expression of the Holy Spiritwith wisdom and patience as you instruct and teach the people. They are convicted because they own a Bible. Not the first. We have to read them for what they say, not for what we want them to say. At one point, I emailed as many people in the church whose email addresses I could find, showing the problems with the book. Ephesians 2:2 serves as a reminder that although it may seem like a distant memory, there was once a time when we walked according to the way of this world but now, thanks be to God, we are free! He is further identified as the son of Amoz (Isaiah 1:1). God has always been a God of grace. First, the Bible is dangerous to ignore. Apparently, she told the minister that she couldnt see why it mattered that Eugene Peterson changed Gods words. your rod and your staff, He helps me do what honors him the most. However, with a number of passages warning of the erosion of faith in the last days, theres a rather strong motive to contend for the faith by insisting on an accurate Bible (Jude 3). The Message Bible is a paraphrase version of the Bible. I remember feeling like a pariah with no support or friends in that church for some weeks. They would just avoid the passages that had those words in them. Therefore, readers put a great deal more faith in the translators, as they are trusting their interpretation. [3], The publisher states: "Peterson's work has been thoroughly reviewed by a team of recognized Old and New Testament scholars to ensure that it is accurate and faithful to the original languages. (Eph. In this powerful message, Pastor Doug investigates a very real threat facing the church in the last days: Satan's plan to neutralize the transforming power of the gospel. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, 2. Good for you, Simon son of John! answered Jesus. The Message completely changes the meaning of the scriptures, for instance there is no mention of the holiness of the name of God. 3 he refreshes my soul. None of those individuals ever identified themselves to me and to this day I dont know who they were. I told the minister that if they kept on reading passages from this book over me, I would stand up in the service and expose it. Later, when I started dating a woman (now my wife) at the church, she was warned that I was at the centre of controversy. This is something Ive had some trouble with at my church because speakers were prone to read out passages from The Message as part of the church service. 41,316 Views. 1:18 For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. Its because you have the spiritual gift of discernment! I know the author of it got parts of the Bible so right it blows your mind, but there are entire sections where he is dead wrong and injects false doctrine into it. Matthew 3:7 Meaning lost: In Matt 3:7, John the Baptist challenges the sincerity of the Pharisees in requesting baptism and warns that they face God's wrath. Amen. This is clearly what Eugene Peterson is looking at, since otherwise the prayer should end after deliver us from evil, or as the paraphrase puts it (I hesitate to call it a paraphrase, since a true paraphrase keeps the original thought intact), keep us safe from ourselves and the devil. I would point out that theres a huge difference between deliverance and keeping safe. How is the Bible inspired? Isaiah lived this name well, insisting that Judah's kings and people trust only in God, make no alliances with foreign nations, and refuse to fear anyone but God. According to NavPress, publisher of Eugene Peterson's The Message The Bible in Contemporary Language, there have been over 10,000,000 readers of The Message. Michael Brown holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures from New York University and has served as a professor at a number of seminaries. will not get you closer to GOD. It depends, largely, on how you read it with what prejudices and with what intellectual background. - is the Word of God? Verse Concepts. He did not say Peterson did not speak Gods Attributes in his rendition of Lords Prayer, he said the original text did not so there-for Peterson should not have added it to the prayer. It's no wonder the Bible consistently warns against it. Their hunger outweighed concrete religion. Although most of these translations are not in wide use today, some are commonly used and unfortunately many fail to accurately and faithfully preserve the Word of God. Why is the belief of atheism so dangerous for the atheist? It is far more difficult to treat with love and kindness someone who disagrees with your faith than it is to denounce and dismiss them (as Paul did). as above, so below. Jesus referred to sinners as a brood of vipers to remind people that sin can be deceptive and hard to recognize, and that they should strive for righteousness if they want to avoid Gods punishment. No one can argue that if Mary was 1 day pregnant with JESUS, they would be hollering womens rights. The Message (MSG): Don't you realize that this is not the way to live? To see additional comparisons other than what is listed below, visit Bible Gateway, where you can view parallel translations of this translation (and any of the other poor translations featured in this article) with the ESV (or any other reliable translation) side by side.

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