Courses included in programs leading to A.D.N., B.S., B.A., M.A., or Ph.D. in nursing, sociology, psychology, management or administration that are obtained after being employed as an RN II. The parties also recognize the desirability of permitting a permanent employee to transfer within the employee's department and classification to another location which the employee deems to be desirable. Department of Public Health (CDPH) regarding the new Telework Consideration will be given to employee and management needs in selecting the reporting date. The majority of the layoffs affect bargaining units 17 and 20; Budget information : Cost of new terms to agreement: These efforts may include focused recruitment, publicizing in professional journals, use of the media, job fairs, expedited hiring, expedited background checks, spot testing authorized by the SPB, State employee registries, and recruitment and retention incentives; Such other purposes as may be mutually agreed upon. Management may deny a bid which is submitted by an employee who is on limited duty status if it is determined that the duties of the posted position are in conflict with the work limitation(s) described by the employee's physician. PDF California Department of Human Resources Summary of Collective a week. FLSA covered drivers of a carpool, a vanpool, or other vehicle traveling on state business will be compensated consistent with FLSA for purposes of overtime and shall not receive the special allowance described in J(2) above. facility to appropriately address concerns collaboratively with Where operational considerations permit, departments shall consider implementing telework opportunities as a recruitment and retention strategy. The job steward team is continuously and consistently Unit 4: Office and Allied Workers - SEIU Local 1000 When such an employee is called back within four (4) hours of the beginning of the employee's next shift, call back credit shall be received only for the hours remaining before the beginning of the employee's next shift. Any denial of requests made under this section shall be in writing. system of inconsistent, successful, and exceptional from annual In the event the employee is unable to assume the assignment within the sixty (60) calendar days, the employee may be placed in another assignment at management's discretion. Spanish, up to 6 units, The Criminal Justice System, up to 4 units. An employee may write more than one bid preference on the bidding form in priority order. The Director of CalHR or designee shall respond to the grievance in writing within sixty (60) calendar days after receipt of the appealed grievance. opportunity to learn more about the Departments expectations of key departments. Unit 4 Bargaining Update for Tuesday, July 16, 2019, Unit 4 workers seek to Highlight Upward Mobility Language to Ensure it Applies to all Workers, Unit 4 Bargaining Update for Tuesday, July 9, 2019, Unit 4 Members Tell State Negotiators its time to Invest in its Employees, UPDATE: Meet and Confer with DMV on Reporting for Unplanned Absences, GeoPay Task Force Presents and Releases Report, Click here to read the GeoPay Task Force Joint Report, SEIU Local 1000 Updates for the Department Motor Vehicles (DMV), New bargaining team members elected as work begins on 2020 contract negotiations. precedent for all future cases. in this meeting was largely the same as we had learned in our In case of ties in seniority, assignments will be determined by employees with the greatest amount of seniority in the RCS classification. Tamekia Robinson, our Vice President of members from the Driver Safety branches across the state. When a department intends to either establish and/or make major modifications in the department's existing flexible work hours and/or alternate work schedule policy, the department shall notice in accordance with section 24.1. A Seasonal Clerk employee may work up to one thousand five hundred (1,500) hours in any calendar year. Read more IL: D163 Park Forest 10/1/17 - 9/15/20. Unemployment Insurance branches. The summary of this agreement is posted according to RCW 43.88.583. This review is pursuant to Section 19829.5 of the Government Code. The local JLMC shall consist of an equal number of management and Union representatives. Disputes concerning this section shall be grievable to the Director's level of review and shall not be arbitrable; Either party may request a meet and discuss regarding any problem or concern with the Post and Bid procedure. introducing performance standards in the workplace without progress towards making this state a California for All. Personal Necessity Leave may be utilized by an eligible employee who has sufficient leave. Compensation Insurance Fund (State Fund) notified the Union of In addition, if a Special School proposes to change the number of in-service training days from the prior academic year, the Special School shall notify the teachers and obtain input. However, the Union recognizes a department's right to require overtime or the completion of work in progress by the employee performing the work at the time the determination was made that overtime was necessary. All remaining conditions of employment that relate to the Seasonal Clerk employee shall be administered in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations, unless modified by this Contract. The PI employees must either meet the requirements of Rule 277, or have reinstatement rights to a permanent position, to be eligible to participate in the post and bid process. When employees are required to work through the employee's meal period, the State shall either adjust the employee's workweek schedule or credit the employee for the time worked. law libraries at CDCR are working out of class. Each facility shall establish and maintain an up-to-date list, by inverse seniority, of all full-time and part-time BU 20 CNAs. Requests for overtime shall not be unreasonably denied and upon request, a denial shall be made in writing. Bargaining Unit (BU) 14 leadership was alerted by membership that (CCHCS)to discuss the implementation of the Below is a downloadable version of thelatestcontract. Health/Dental/Vision Benefits - A PI employee will be eligible for these benefits if the employee has been credited with a minimum of four hundred eighty (480) paid hours in one (1) of two (2) control periods. A new Injury and Illness Prevention Program developed with Some of the major results of our teams negotiations include the Psychiatric Nursing Psychiatric Treatment Modalities: Screening Procedures - e.g., sickle cell, scoliosis, Sign Language - beginning, intermediate, advanced interpretation, Technical writing - e.g., reports, protocols and procedures, care plans, grant applications, Upper division Physical Behavioral Sciences. Meal periods taken shall not be counted as part of total hours worked. the upward mobility program and process and writing QRP will review applicant's packet at the first meeting of the panel after receipt of all required information. For purposes of this Agreement, "seniority" is defined as one (1) point for each qualifying month of full-time state service. Requests for participation in a flexible work hour or alternative work schedule program shall not be unreasonably denied. and Safety Committees exist and are successful at each facility. In no case shall more than eighty percent (80%) of the filled RN assignments (as defined above) be held by employees through successful bids. Upon request of an employee who has been on duty continuously for fifteen (15) or more hours, the employer shall have the option to: Allow the employee to take the next shift off on vacation, CTO, or Holiday credit as staffing permits. Rest periods not taken shall not be accumulated or used for overtime purposes. "The employee does not have the option to receive the employer contributed amounts paid pursuant to this Agreement directly instead of having them paid to the retirement system.". The State shall not use the log on/off time to the computer or electronic access card entry/exit times of employees as the source of attendance reporting. Degrees - courses leading to AA, BS, MS Ph.D. degrees in nursing. An employee may write more than one bid preference on the bidding form in priority order. Effective July 1, 2023, the employee contribution rates described in 17.1(F)(1) and (F)(2) for miscellaneous and industrial retirement members, including ARP members, shall be increased by one half percent (0.50%). Job placement assistance at the worksite to provide advice, counsel and placement of employees. The choice not to participate shall result in management assigning the individual to an assignment that remains unfilled after this bid process is completed. The Fresno Action Committee, the Joint Labor Management Committee An employee may be granted a rest period on State time not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes each four (4) hours of the employee's work shift not to exceed thirty (30) minutes each workday. Full-time service in a special school by a pre-tenure employee for at least one school term or fiscal year, as applicable; transfer to an existing special school and rendition for full-time service therein for two (2) successive school terms or fiscal years, as applicable; and commencement of service therein under a reappointment for full-time service at that school for the next school term or fiscal year, is applicable. The quarter factors also apply to past service that is credited under the First Tier A, First Tier B, and the PEPRA First Tier retirement formulas. The parties shall undertake negotiations regarding the impact of such changes on the employees when all three (3) of the following exists: Where such changes would affect the working conditions of a significant number of employees. single mother of three daughters recovers from multiple benefits and working conditions. 30 minutes prior to the start of their shift, rather than within Bargaining process. Prior to working overtime, the employee or the employer shall be notified if the overtime is to be paid in CTO. At these local meetings, the parties shall seriously consider alternative scheduling methods for mixed shift work weeks as well as the following alternatives in lieu of full-time mixed shift work week assignments: using in-house registries, outside registries and intermittent work. If such bid or position creates a nepotistic situation, notice must be given to the Union. Through the establishment of a volunteer overtime seniority system, departments will endeavor to reduce the amount of mandatory overtime by distributing overtime fairly among volunteers as permitted by operational needs, security, health, safety, and emergencies. The vacant assignments that have been determined by management to be filled by bid shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this section. This section is not subject to Article 6 of this Contract. Prior to initiating such actions, the Labor Relations Office should be contacted. If the telework arrangement conforms to telework criteria established in the department's telework policy and guidelines, no employee's request for telework shall be unreasonably denied. Alternate Vice Chair) and Sophia Perkins (Unit 4, Chair) met with The Elementary Area Overtime List will include only those Counselors who are assigned to the Elementary Area. Upon the Union's request, departments shall meet to discuss the ergonomic evaluation and recommendations related to call centers. the California State Teachers Retirement Fund (CalSTRS) to meet Candidates must be employed at Napa State Hospital in the classification of RN B, surgical Nurse I or II, Health Services Specialist, or Supervising RN. SEIU503 Local | State Worker Bargaining 2021 asDentrixwithin all 35 CDCR facilities in the state. FLSA-exempt employees are not authorized to receive any form of overtime compensation, whether formal or informal. The grievance and arbitration procedure described in subsection D below shall be the exclusive means by which alleged out-of-class assignments shall be remedied, including requests for review by CalHR referenced in Government Code section 19818.16 or the State Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board. This expressed intent, however, does not preclude employees from volunteering to work overtime in classifications other than the employee's own. Record keeping for accounting, reimbursements, or documentation relative to other applicable statutes, such as the FMLA, is permitted. Standby duty is defined as the time that an employee is required to remain on the DFW hatchery grounds during non-work hours for immediate response to duty or to emergencies that may arise. If a PI employee works on the holiday, the employee shall also receive the employee's hourly rate of pay for each hour worked unless the provisions of section 19.2(B) apply. Employees who are charged with wrongdoing which is also grounds for adverse action may lose the right to bid and/or hold a bid assignment for a period of up to six (6) months, if such assignment of bid is meaningfully related to the cause of action. Management will record the number of hours of overtime each employee is offered. Angeles knew who to call for help: Local 1000. Vehicles (DMV) again to continue our conversations about the The employee with the most seniority will be offered the position. Both parties recognize that ultimate responsibility rests with management. our 4% general salary increaseone of the many outcomes that we status and future of Health and Safety Committees at all five separation of duties for our Driver Safety Hearing officers Parties reached agreement: 8/28/2019. This does not preclude payment of such expenses, at management's discretion. surgeries. If payment is made for such time off, the employee is required to remit to the State the fee(s) received. Employees assigned to a 4/10/40 work schedule shall work the number of days indicated on the Shift A, B, C, or D Calendars. input from Local 1000 will roll out over the next year at Napa Each party shall be responsible for the expenses of their participants. with stronger benefits, increased take home pay and more robust Employees who withdraw will be assigned at State's discretion. Employees who have received notice for a drug and alcohol test that was mailed or given to the employee prior to the employee's employer's receipt of the employee's request to deactivate from commercial driver status must complete all such outstanding random tests. process that legal support staff began working on in late Upon the establishment of a new or revised classification or series, a new duty statement shall be provided to each affected incumbent if appropriate. The appeal consists of a personal interview with the QRP and submission of any additional relevant information or material applicant wishes to offer. regarding the Caltrans District 4 Toll Collectors and Custodians If a specific position was indicated for the voluntary request, and was changed or no longer needed, the nursing supervisor will make all reasonable attempts to notify the affected BU 20 CNA. SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. State employees on approved leave of absence prior to January 15, 2011, who return to active employment on or after January 15, 2011. It is the State's policy to allow Unit 3 employees the exercise of professional judgment in the employee's work recognizing, nonetheless, that ultimate responsibility for determining work methods and selecting methodologies, curricula, etc., rests with management. For purpose of this Agreement, "seniority" is defined as one (1) point for each qualifying month of full-time state service. CalHR's interpretation of state and federal law may be based on administrative policies, regulations, or any other guidance interpreting such laws. meeting resulted in management conceding a number of items, The reassignment must be completed within thirty (30) calendar days of the date the employee accepted the award. Deuel Vocational Institution (DVI) Closure, CA Correctional Center (CCC) Susanville Closure, Unit 1: Professional Administrative, Financial and Staff services, Unit 3: Professional Educators and Librarians, Unit 11: Engineering and Scientific Technicians, Unit 20: Medical and Social Services Specialists, Unit 21: Educational Consultants and Librarians, Department of Real Estate (DRE) Remediation Process, Update on Meeting with Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), Regarding Implementation of Dayforce Timekeeping, FTB Notices of Return to Office, Telework and COVID Prevention Plan, FTB Notice of Updated Telework Policy and Update to Remote Work Plan- Phase 3, DMV Separation of Duties Meet and Confer Update, CDTFAs return to the office / telework policy, Separation of Duties for Driver Safety Hearing Officers at DMV, First Meet and Confer on DSS Tier 2 Enhanced Background Checks, Meet & Confer with CA State Lottery on COVID-19 Safety Protocols, Addressing Inequities of Call Center Recognition Statewide, EDD Call Monitoring Implementation Update, Notice of Contact Center Screen Recording for After Call Work, Department of State Hospitals Health and Safety Committee Survey, EDD Workforce Service Branch (WSB) Office Reopening for Appointments, Bargaining Unit 4 Upward Mobility Task Force, EDD Workforce Service Branch Public Counter Reopening Meeting Update, California Health Benefit Exchange (HBEX) Meet & Confer Update, DMV Driver Safety re-open Meet and Confer, Bilingual Differential Increase Implementation, Unit 1/Unit 4 Joint Bargaining Update for Wednesday, August 21st, 2019, Units 1 and 4 Reach Important Agreement on Lottery Bonus Procedures, Unit 4 Bargaining Update for Friday, August 9th, 2019, Unit 4 Bargaining Team Negotiates New Dispatcher Clerk Classification Study, Unit 4 Bargaining Update for Wednesday, August 7th, 2019, Unit 4 Bargaining Team Stands Up for Seasonal Clerks at Negotiation Table, Unit 4 Bargaining Update for Tuesday, July 30, 2019, Unit 4 Bargaining Team Signs 19 Tentative Agreements; Protects Upward Mobility at Table, Unit 4 Bargaining Update for Friday, July 26, 2019, Unit 4 Heads Back to the Bargaining Table to Support its Members Working Out-of-State. Employees may submit more than one application per injury/prolonged illness. The Chief Nurse Executive (CNE) or their designee shall have responsibility for implementation and maintenance of this procedure at each facility and shall ensure compliance. The tour included a meeting with Nick Maduros, the new department If the State determines to fill the assignment without posting, the assignment may be filled by hire, transfer, promotion, or any other method allowed by the Civil Service system. These meetings will not exceed six (6) in total unless mutually agreed by both parties. A State employee shall be entitled to the same level of State employer contributions for health, vision, dental, flex-elect cash option, and enhanced survivor's benefits the employee would have received had the PLP 2020 not occurred. Smaller fractional units will not be accumulated. Please enable scripts and reload this page. permanently teleworking due to the COVID-19 emergency. Employees not electing to deactivate the employee's commercial driver status for the employee's employer will be deemed to continue to be available to operate a commercial vehicle for the employee's employer and will remain subject to drug and alcohol testing under 49 CFR 382 et al. Submission of Bid Request Form: Beginning on the last Monday in August every year, eligible employees who wish to participate in the annual post and bid process can begin to submit bids. All bids must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on the fifteenth (15th) day of posting. Local 1000 met mobility program upcoming DEADLINE (October 31, The applicant will have an official, sealed (unopened) transcript delivered to the Employee Relations Office. to minimize those delays. If the employee calls back after another employee accepts the overtime, that employee will not be allowed to accept the overtime. The following articles/sections of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as the articles/sections apply to Unit 4, unless stipulated otherwise, shall also apply to Seasonal Clerks. Management shall make every attempt not to schedule BU 20 LVNs: More than four (4) involuntary overtime shifts per month, effective January 2, 2020,and no more than three (3) overtime shifts per month effective July 1, 2021, and implement reductions in accordance with Article 19.38 and the Joint Labor Management Task Force; or. policy. California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) regarding the Teachers will be assigned to activities according to the employee's stated preferences, whenever possible. (100%) of the time into the office an equivalent of twenty Policy Regarding Personal Services Contracts and Cost Savings, Information Regarding Contracts To Be Let. and California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS) to meet California for All! The Union may request from the CDCR, Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) an exemption from existing class size to the Superintendent or designee pursuant to the department's class size exemption policy. No employee shall submit more than four (4) Employee Opportunity Transfer applications during an open period. An updated seniority roster and a listing of all available assignments open for bid shall be posted no later than April 1st every other year. The survey shall be jointly conducted by the Union and the Department designee. Courses included in programs leading to AND, Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, MA, MS or PHD in nursing, sociology, psychology, management or administration. We reviewed the proposed labor agreements between the state and Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, and 21. classification is integrated into the Medical Classification Management shall make every attempt not to schedule BU 17 employees: More than three (3) involuntary overtime shifts per month, effective January 2, 2020, and no more than two (2) overtime shifts per month effective July 1, 2021, and implement reductions in accordance with Article 19.38 and the Joint Labor Management Task Force; or, In excess of sixteen (16) hours continuously; or, In excess of two (2) overtime shifts within an employee's scheduled work week; or, More than two (2) consecutive calendar days; or. No employee will be directed to provide additional instructional assignments outside of the regular work schedule, prior to the solicitation of volunteers. In accordance with Government Code sections 19063 through 19063.8, priority consideration shall be given to individuals receiving public assistance under the CalWORKS program. Thereafter, a Seasonal Clerk employee will be eligible for vacation/annual leave credit with pay in accordance with the schedule in Article 8, section 8.1(A), on the first day of the qualifying monthly pay period following completion of each period of one hundred sixty (160) hours of paid employment. To facilitate this goal, upon the request of the Union to a Department's Labor Relation Officer, the Union and the Department shall establish an advisory committee in that department to develop and periodically review student class assignment procedures within ninety (90) days of ratification of this Contract. This awarding of P&B assignments will continue in order of seniority until the P&B process is completed, with all the ninety percent (90%) assignments being awarded or the bids submitted have been exhausted. If management fills the position it shall be counted neutral until the next twenty-four (24) month bid cycle. If it becomes necessary to temporarily float/redirect employees to another Unit 20 position in order to provide coverage, each work location (unit and shift) shall establish a rotational system that distributes floating on an equitable basis. Unit 17 nurses assigned to Standby Emergency Medical Services (SEMS) shall be given twenty-four (24) hours of on-the-job practical trauma training or Basic Trauma Life Support training based upon a nationally recognized curriculum. The EDD will provide a report monthly to the Union, indicating the number of exempt placements by category. We became aware of this new process because some of our The employee will be permitted to bid in the subsequent continuous post and bid period. specifically in terms of information security. handling DUI cases in the APS unit. implementation of a new electronic timekeeping system. information about the process, and we verified that we never For the purposes of this section, an employee's RDO begins immediately after the completion of the employee's normal shift before the RDO. Employees who have been absolved of wrongdoing as stated above, shall be accorded one successful bid so long as the bid is exercised within three (3) months of the decision absolving the employee. When the State determines that Unit 1 employees in public contact positions need to be identified as State employees, the State shall provide the employee with standard business and/or identification cards at no cost to the employee.