nihr doctoral fellowship interview

This type of activity can also be referred to as implementation and implementation research. Please note that whilst these percentages will be used to calculate the maximum grant payable, the programme reserves the right to award a grant for less than this maximum where it is considered appropriate. NIHR will make an estimated maximum contribution of 4,596 per year, based on UK Research & Innovation 2022/23 published PhD fees. Once the application is ready (see list of required steps under the applicant heading above), you will be able to Submit the application for final sign off by the signatory. The majority of awards will still be researcher-led, i.e., the applicant proposes the area of research rather than responding to a particular call or theme. Please note that the remit of this database has been widened to include all primary research projects, even those that are not randomised controlled trials. . 3. Review of existing evidence - How does the existing literature support this proposal?Explain why this research is needed now, both in terms of time and relevance. Provide an expert description of the project plan of investigation plus any additional points required to support statements made in the previous sections, and include any key references required to justify the points made (e.g., in the use of particular outcome measures or methods of analysis). This should cover both the training you may need to undertake the research being proposed but also training designed to support your development as a future health\social care research leader. Where applicable, you will need to include the travel and subsistence costs of your Project Advisory Group, Steering Committee and/or Data Monitoring & Ethics Committee. In addition, the statement should evidence of the host organisation(s) commitment to creating and maintaining an inclusive and supportive research culture, including evidence of commitment to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion and research integrity. TheNIHRis also prepared to support high quality research into 'medical education' (defined broadly as education for healthcare providers) and methodological research. For advanced fellowships, opportunities will be available to propose research in a number of areas including Atopic Dermatitis, the most common inflammatory skin condition; Alopecia Areata, a common cause of immune mediated non scarring hair loss. Please note: social care studies are eligible for Clinical Research Network (CRN) support, it does not just apply to NHS-based research, and researchers should speak to the CRN and include support costs where relevant. The development or adaptation of interventions can be considered as part of a larger project or programme of work. Please indicate the type of Fellowship you are applying for using the drop down lists available. Yes there will be the option to request funding for a support post and no there wont be a restriction on this depending on the post-doctoral experience of the applicant. For non-clinical applicants the Fellowship does not include or pay for any activities other than the research and research-related training proposed in a successful application. those carrying out the review (reviewers and board and selection committee members) to have a better understanding of your research proposal; inform others about your research such as members of the public, health and social care professionals, policy makers and the media; the research funders to publicise the research that they fund. Participants must confirm their participation on your application before you will be able to press the submit button. If they are, any costs should be entered as direct costs in the Details of Posts and Salaries and Annual Costs of Posts sections. If the application was unsuccessful, please indicate why and detail how this application differs from previous submission(s) and how any feedback received has been used to inform this application. Please also include in the Role in Research Grant box for each entry: registration number and name of registry and the DOI of the main related publication. Please click the check box to confirm you agree to the Terms and Conditions of submission as detailed on the application form. Receive greater research exposure through a variety of media and communication channels. Once all other parties have made their contribution, you will be required to Submit the application to the signatory for final sign off before the closing date. The national minimum doctoral stipend for 2023/24 has been set by UKRI as 17,688. The Doctoral Fellowship will allow clinical/practice applicants, medical and other registered healthcare professionals, to spend up to 20% of their time undertaking clinical/practice activities in order to maintain clinical/practice competence and skills. A single A4 page of references (document upload). The School has several funding opportunities for those who want to start or continue their career in primary care research. They should comprise: This section presents an overview of salary costs for the applicant and other support/shared staff contributing to the research, including normal salary increments broken down individually. You will be expected to submit a report at the end of the funding period. all participants have agreed to be part of your application. Careful thought should be given to a) the experience of your chosen supervisors, b) maintaining contact, and c) the potential for difficulties of communication and conflicting opinions and advice when there are more than two supervisors. Please also select the duration of award between 2 and 5 years WTE. If you are proposing research which fits within one or more of these Themes you should indicate this on the application form. Please note that mentors (including supervisors and individuals named as providing research support) expenses will not be funded. Complete the relevant pre-registration training (for clinical academic applicants). NIHRprogrammes do not usually fund first class travel. What do you intend to produce from your research? A list of relevant knowledge mobilisation and implementation literature is available on the NIHR website although this is not exclusive and applicants may choose to use other related approaches. The NIHR is launching the 8th round of Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships as part of the NIHR Fellowship Programme. The statement is completed by the Head of Department and should detail how the organisation(s) are going to support the applicant in partnership to successfully complete their research and the training and development programme. This fellowship may also be taken up on a part-time basis of between 50% and 100% whole time equivalent (WTE). Information and resources to assist you can be found on the INVOLVE website (a detailed definition of patient/service users, carers and public involvement in research, briefing notes for researchers on how to involve patients and the public/service users, carers and an involvement cost calculator and budgeting guide). High quality outputs from previous research experience and training relative to career stage and background. The NIHR is particularly keen to enhance the cadre of researchers equipped to work at the HEI, NHS, social care and industry interface, translating ideas into new treatments/practice and products from which patients can benefit. If you are unsure about your eligibility for the Advanced Fellowship, as related to your career stage, please contact the NIHR Academy office on 0113 532 8410 and a member of the team will be happy to discuss your proposed application. Quality of doctoral research already undertaken (where relevant). UK Biobank recruited 500,000 people aged between 40-69 years in 2006-2010 from across the country to take part in this project. In order to address this, one of the uses of the NIHR Advanced Fellowship is to enable awardees to undertake innovative knowledge mobilisation (that is, to support the more effective use of research knowledge) whilst simultaneously. On a trajectory to become a future health/social care research leader. NIHR agrees to fund consultant salaries at a full-time rate equivalent to 10 Programmed Activities per week. The 'NIHR School for Public Health Research (SPHR) post-doctoral launching fellowships in Public Health Research' will be available for up to 24 months offering those appointed the opportunity to consolidate and build their CV and to prepare funding applications to secure future funding (e.g. Applicants are encouraged to draw on the latest thinking and theories that pertain to knowledge creation, dissemination and use. Under the new arrangements, sign off via the LCRN AcoRD Specialist is required to confirm the study attribution complies with the Department of Health and Social Care AcoRD guidance. This section will detail any points within your application that are either incomplete or incorrect. With both awards it will also be possible to undertake the Fellowship at less than 100% WTE which can accommodate clinical/practice work paid for from another source. Host Organisations are expected to comply with the relevant Principles and Obligations for clinical academic training and it is recommended Host Organisations read these documents, where relevant, before completing the statement of support. The PPI group gave feedback on interview topics and questions, recruitment methods, the design of multiple formats of patient information, and the creation of a newsletter about the research for patients to make sure they are clear and inclusive. Relevance of research to patients/service users, carers, the public and health and/or care services. All other activities must be undertaken outside the percentage time declared as the basis of the Fellowship. Full details of the support INVOLVE can provide and contact information is available via the, only be used for the purpose of monitoring equal opportunities. Standard and level of host organisations support and commitment to the applicant, including evidence of supporting other early career researchers. We encourage all applicants interested in applying for a jointly funded Partnership Fellowship to contact the relevant partner to discuss their research area of interest before they apply. beyond the outcomes to be collected in the funded trial) using routinely collected data, and appropriate linkage to allow this data to be best used. Please be aware that the research award does NOT include NHS Support and/or Treatment Costs. : NIHR has issued a cross-programme call for research into the evaluation of interventions or services to support the delivery of a more sustainable UK health and care system, including mitigating the effects of climate change on health and care delivery. For individuals looking to transition into applied health or social care research from a basic science or non-health/care research background. Applicants mustnt exceed the maximum amount of time that can be supported in WTE terms by each award as summarised below: A. For example, part time support from a trial manager, database manager, and statistician are all costs that could potentially be included. You should then select the level of fellowship you wish to apply for from the list provided. Information provided here may be subject to Freedom of Information requests. Dissemination costs (in addition to conference costs), Note onCTUcosts in Personal Training Awards, Training programme, short courses and workshops, Support Post Training and Development (Advanced only), General office and basic laboratory consumables, will be stored separately from your application. A. Maintain and build a relationship with both the NIHR and a partner organisation, Engage with and receive valuable input from patient groups, making the most of the public and patient engagement/involvement opportunities available. All parties (applicant, participants and signatory) will be notified of this via an automated system generated email. Details of the required individuals are provided on the online application form along with details of how they should added. You will be required to include the Head of Department from your Host Organisation. Use current rates of pay (basic salary, geographical allowance and on-costs; any additional allowances being received for other activities within your current pay are ineligible) and build in any known annual increments (again at current rates). Post a Job. The costs that will be met by the Fellowship awards differ slightly depending on the type of host employer that is chosen by the applicant (i.e. Please use "ExxonMobil LOFT Fellowship" in the subject line. There are two routes for application . Please set out the measurements of success you intend to use and also the key risks to delivering this research and what contingencies you will put in place to deal with them. In order to support partnership working between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and publicly funded health or social care bodies, applications must be supported by organisations from both of these different sectors. Please note that we expect the applicants proposed host organisation (substantive employer) to act as the contractor. Lem Ngongalah. Please be realistic about your possible start date taking account of the necessary contracting, and staff recruitment prior to starting your project. These Advanced Fellowships in Knowledge Mobilisation will be available for a maximum of 24 months full time (part time options between 50% and 100% available). For more details on the funding provided, please read the guidance notes. NIHR), which will be undertaken at a later date. Details of articles which are in press and have been accepted as final by the publisher may be included. If the patient care intervention under investigation either wholly or partially replaces usual care, the Usual Treatment Costs section must be completed. Through innovative practice and systematic study of that practice, Knowledge Mobilisation Fellows work to advance knowledge and understanding about research use, influence and impact. What is the research question / aims and objectives?Please summarise the research question / key aims and objectives. Maintain and build a relationship with both the NIHR and a partner, entrepreneurship and working with industry, have completed any relevant pre-registration training (clinical academic applications only), hold a relevant PhD or MD, or have submitted their thesis for examination at the time of application applicants must have been awarded their PhD or MD by the time they start, ensure that any previous NIHR awards undertaken finished no longer than 12 months ago this does not include any time taken for statutory leave, have not submitted a DSE application in the previous round. Applicants who are active clinicians (defined as being either a registered doctor, dentist or other registered healthcare professionals eligible to apply for the Integrated Clinical Academic programme) or social workers, are able to request up to 40% of their time be dedicated to clinical service/development/practice, which will be covered by the Fellowship. Where relevant, NIHR will make an estimated maximum contribution of 4,596 per year, based on UK Research & Innovation 2022/23 published PhD fees. Should you wish to apply for this visa, you should select the Fast Track consideration option on the Home Office endorsement application form and use your award letter as evidence of your Advanced Fellowship. Applicants should have a strong academic record and wish to develop a career in primary care research. The NIHR Academy also provide a range of leadership and mentoring programmes, regular networking opportunities, bespoke workshops and events and personal advice and guidance on funding opportunities. Depending on professional background and expertise, applicants are not necessarily expected to have an extensive list of publications. promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in research. There is further Guidance for the completion of the form in these Applicant Guidance Notes. This statement should be tailored specifically to the applicant, their research and training needs, and include how the organisation(s) intend to support the applicant to develop their research career in the long-term. For help with estimatingPPIcosts please see the. You should indicate here how this research will potentially benefit the NHS, social care and/ or public health. . Its vision is that womens lives are not limited by their gynaecological and reproductive health. The Primary Care Clinicians Career Progression Fellowship will require a costing overview if successful at interview. : If you are an Advanced Fellowship applicant and currently registered for a PhD/MD programme or masters leading to a PhD your supervisor will need to declare that the information supplied in your research doctorate is a current and accurate reflection of its current status. You should follow the instructions in the email to log onto the system. In determining NHS Treatment costs you must assume that the patient care service being assessed will continue even though there may be no plans for it to do so. The applicant intends to register for and complete a PhD. This is in line with the, NIHR policy on clinical trial registration and disclosure of results, It is recognised that the outputs in terms of grants and publications will vary depending on your experience, profession and level of award being applied for. Subsistence covers accommodation (if necessary) and meals associated with the travel, excluding any alcoholic beverages. Please state the proposed salary point and scale at the start of the fellowship. UK Biobankis a major national health resource, and a registered charity in its own right, with the aim of improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of serious and life-threatening illnesses including cancer, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, eye disorders, depression and forms of dementia. Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the additional guidance for applicants looking to include research and/or research training relevant to clinical trials in their fellowship application, particularly the key skills for competent clinical trialists. The NIHR SPHR pre-doctoral fellowships in Public Health Research are open to individuals with a Master's degree, for up to 24 months, offering those appointed the opportunity to consolidate and build their CV and prepare an application to undertake a PhD in public health. Please declare any conflicts or potential conflicts of interest that you may have in undertaking this research, including any relevant, non-personal & commercial interest that could be perceived as a conflict of interest. Please ensure you have read the relevant guidance above before selecting your responses to these questions. Yes, there wont be a restriction on this Fellowship for people currently in receipt of or previous holders ofNIHRFellowships, and access to up to 8 years worth of support across 2 sequential Advanced Fellowships will still be available. Positions can be based at any of the 9 School members. The Apprenticeship Levy can be included in the salary costs where relevant. It is recognised that the outputs in terms of grants and publications will vary depending on your experience, profession and level of award being applied for. By answering theseEquality and Diversity Monitoring Information questions, you will help us to better understand the different groups of people that we fund and their experiences of being funded particularly the groups protected by UK equality legislation. PhD Student Fellowships The African Institute of Financial Markets and Risk Management (AIFMRM) in the Faculty of Commerce at the University of Cape Town is a postgraduate institute committed to increasing the extent and depth of expertise in the African financial service industry. The application will not be submitted to the NIHR for consideration until all the required signatory has approved the final version. Once confirmed, the funding decisions will then be communicated to applicants. This should complement your research timetable upload (see 10. Therefore, along with the research proposal, NIHR selection committees will assess the abilities, academic trajectory, existing experience, commitment to a career in health or care research, ambition and aspirations of the applicant, the standards in the research training environment, and the plans for explicit training in research methods. Name:DrVineethRajkumarRole: Head of 0208 951 2588Rosetrees Trust website. : The individual(s) providing Research Support (mentorship) must confirm that they have read the application and the guidance notes and are willing to act as your mentor for research and career development and agree to abide by the conditions under which an award may be granted. 1. Relevance of research to patients/service users, carers, the public and users health and/or care services. Please note: Applicants will normally be hosted by either the Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust or its main HEI partner (University College London). Subscribe to Podcast. No, you will need to decide which fellowship you are going to apply to. For clinical/practice applicants (including social care practitioners), please also use this space to indicate if you will be using the award to undertake clinical/practice sessions. Commercial/Other Partner Organisations can claim indirect costs which are the costs of resources used by the research that are shared by other activities. please select whether you wish to hold the Fellowship on a full-time basis, or part-time basis at 50% WTE or above. NIHR expects that all commitments made to the applicant within this statement will be honoured for the lifetime of the award. Please see the guidance for Open Access Publication funding for further details. NIHR wants to know about any circumstances so that they may take them into consideration during the assessment of your application. , up to 40% of time can be allocated to clinical/practice for service and/or training. If there are no NHS Support or Excess Treatment Costs associated with the research, you must explain why you think this is the case. Please give details of the organisation who will be the contractor if the project is funded. Details of all relevant grants obtained in the last five years should be provided, including personal research training awards or Fellowships, plus any additional previous grants relevant to this application. If you are applying with industry co-funding please indicate in the Application Summary Information Section and under the sub-heading Partnership Fellowship please select Industry-other. Where applicable, you will need to include the travel and subsistence costs relating to meetings with individuals providing research support. To be eligible for a NIHR Pre-Doctoral Fellowship you must: Applications open annually in late January/February to start from September the same year to March the following year. All applications are expected to have appropriate HEI, NHS, social care, commercial and other partner organisations input into the finance section of the application form. Please also signpost to where further information on these points can be found in the detailed research plan and application. HEI indirect costs cannot be claimed on these shared costs. Costs relating to conference attendance will be funded at up to 100% for all employing/host organisation types. If you dont fit with one of these areas, please contact the NIHR who will be happy to discuss your proposed application with you. Please note that if your study is led from England and involves the NHS in England you should apply forHRAapproval. Where applicants are leasing equipment with a purchase price of more than 5,000, a comparison of leasing verses purchasing costs must be provided in the Justification of Costs section. Project ManagementPlease outline the processes that will be put in place to ensure the research described will be well managed. We would encourage all applicants interested in applying for an NIHR Charity Partnership Fellowship to contact the NIHR in the first instance to discuss their application and answer any questions. Doctoral applicants and early career Advanced applicants can propose to undertake a systematic review as part of the fellowship, provided it is well justified. Our Research Design Service is a great source of help and advice for anyone considering applying for NIHR funding. Applicants are asked to keep the interview dates available to attend an interview in Leeds. This section will detail any points within your application that are either incomplete or incorrect. Indirect costs should be charged in proportion to the amount of research staff effort requested on the funding application form. Applications for Global Health research are out of remit forNIHRFellowships. Academic clinical fellowships (ACFs) enable trainees to obtain formal exposure to research during clinical training and are . If you would like to be added to our contact list please email This should complement your research timetable upload (see 10. Whilst we anticipate and expect that applicants will get help and advice from various sources when putting together an application, including on occasion input from those previously awarded funding, care must be taken to ensure this does not lead to plagiarism of either published work or other previous applications. Please note that the Welsh Government will only support a limited number of successful applications per year. Signatures or letters of support from applicant's line manager and

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