exchange act rule 0 12

[September 30, 2008], 252.01 Rule 12g5-1 does not require an issuer to look through record ownership to the beneficial holders in determining whether it has 500 security holders for purposes of registration under Section 12(g) of the Exchange Act. Question: Can Rule 12b-25 be used to extend the due date for timely filing of information incorporated by reference from definitive proxy materials into Item III of Form 10-K? That the principal executive and financial officers do not need to consider such controls in making their individual certifications about their responsibility for establishing and maintaining the filer's disclosure controls and procedures does not mean that the filer can exclude such controls in complying with Rules 13a-15 and 15d-15 and Item 307 of Regulation S-K. [May 29, 2009]. Question: What fee rates apply to repurchases of securities and to proxy solicitations and statements in corporate control transactions? Foreign private issuers that file on domestic forms and provide executive compensation disclosure under Item 402 of Regulation S-K should provide individualized disclosure for their named executive officers to the extent required by Form 20-F. For foreign private issuers that use Form 20-F, individualized disclosure is required about members of their administrative, supervisory, or management bodies for whom the issuer otherwise provides individualized compensation disclosure in the filing. Answer: A person who has permanent resident status in the U.S. a so-called Green Card holder is presumed to be a U.S. resident. To whom are the principal executive and financial officers disclosing significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting, or fraud involving management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrants internal control over financial reporting? Question: An issuer files a Form 12b-25 in connection with a periodic report, and then files a Form 15 under Rule 12g-4 during the Rule 12b-25 extension period. She fails to pay the loan as due. [Mar. Question: If a registrant with a December 31 fiscal year-end files a Form 10 in November 2007 which goes effective in January 2008, what is the first Form 10-K that the registrant is required to file? Answer: The issuer must make the determination with respect to the board that performs the functions most closely to those undertaken by a U.S.-style board of directors. Answer: Yes. In establishing the trust, she specifies that the trust shall sell 1,000 shares of issuer stock each quarter. Question: Is a company required to file a Form 12b-25 even when it anticipates filing a periodic report after the Rule 12b-25 extension period? Is the exercise of the option covered by a Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(B)(1) defense despite the fact that the amount, price and date are not specified by the same method? Question: Can an issuer that submits Exchange Act reports on a voluntary basis satisfy the definitions of accelerated filer or large accelerated filer in Rule 12b-2? [Mar. Answer: No. The registrant has been filing a combined Form 10-K report for those partnerships using the 33- file number from the Securities Act registration statement. (19) of Form 40-F provides for individualized disclosure for an issuers named executive officers. Question: For purposes of applying the primary trading market definition under Rule 12h-6(f)(5), may an issuer consider all securities trading markets in countries that are part of the European Union as a single foreign jurisdiction? Question: Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act provides an automatic suspension of the periodic reporting obligation as to any fiscal year (except for the fiscal year in which the registration statement became effective) if an issuer has fewer than 300 security holders of record at the beginning of such fiscal year. A company must always file the Form 10-K for the fiscal year in which the registration statement is declared effective. Answer: No. Answer: No. Within the guidelines specified by Rule 12b-23, an issuer may incorporate by reference into its own Exchange Act documents any information contained in the filed documents of another issuer. These Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations ("C&DIs") principally comprise the Division's interpretations of the rules promulgated under the registration and reporting provisions of Sections 12, 13 and 15 of the Exchange Act. Answer: Yes. [September 30, 2008], 253.01 A registrant formed two limited partnerships, the A partnership and the B partnership, both having between 300 and 500 shareholders. Also, she may have had the discretion to substitute collateral or provide additional collateral or cash to prevent foreclosure and sale of the stock. [December 8, 2016]. Will issuers be required to mark the check boxes in 2023 before an issuer is required to adopt a recovery policy and comply with the applicable listing standards? Although Rule 12g-3 does not provide for the succession to the predecessors Section 12(g) registration if at the time of the succession the securities of the class are held by fewer than 300 record holders, the Division staff has taken the position that Section 12(g) registration could be voluntarily continued by the successor pursuant to Rule 12g-3 in these circumstances without the filing of a new Exchange Act registration statement. ( F) A person's right to acquire equity securities through the exercise or conversion of any derivative security, whether or not presently exercisable. Some of these C&DIs were first published in prior Division publications and have been revised in some cases. Must the issuer file the periodic report? This is because the terms of the margin account contract would permit him to exercise subsequent influence over how, when, or whether to effect purchases or sales. Question: An issuer does not have a principal executive officer or a principal financial officer. The person intends to delegate investment control over trust assets to the trustee so as to establish a defense under Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(B)(3) for trust transactions. Subsequently, on the first day of fiscal year 2010, the number of record holders exceeded 300, and as a result, the companys obligation to file periodic reports under section 15(d) revived. What is the first report due for this company? Answer: The form already includes the representation, so modification is unnecessary. See Securities Act Release No. With two legislative days remaining until Crossover Day, legislators and lobbyists spent all . If he is aware of material nonpublic information at the time of exercise, can he rely on a Rule 10b5-1(c) defense in exercising the option? 34-88465 (March 25, 2020)), to extend the filing deadline for the subject report? S7-12-22), supra. Question: Assume that the written trading plan described in Question 120.11 also includes a provision requiring the number of securities to be sold during each month to be reduced, if necessary, to comply with applicable volume limitation under Rule 144(e). Is a Form 15 required to be filed under Rule 15d-6 as a condition of the suspension? See Securities Act Release No. The first sale of securities under the plan will take place on March 1 in reliance on Rule 144. [September 30, 2008]. [Mar. The 401(k) plan also allows employees to transfer the assets in their accounts among funds within the plan (including the employer stock fund) through fund-switching transactions. [September 30, 2008], 250.04 Following emergence from bankruptcy, the same issuer issues a new class of common stock that has substantially the same terms as its old common stock, except for a different par value. See Securities Act Release No. Question: During a month when the written trading plan described in Question 120.11 is in effect, the person calls the broker to increase the non-discretionary limit order currently in force from 10,000 shares to 15,000 shares. Most shares would be repurchased through open market transactions, but the company intended to negotiate repurchase of at least one large block of stock through a privately negotiated transaction. Answer: The fee rates (as adjusted annually) under Exchange Act Section 13(e) and Section 14(g) apply to repurchases of securities and to proxy solicitations and statements in corporate control transactions, respectively. Question: Which persons will be considered named executive officers for purposes of determining the parties for whom individualized disclosure pursuant to Item B. How is this transaction analyzed for purposes of Rule 10b5-1(c)? [September 30, 2008]. [September 30, 2008], 280.01 Exchange Act Release No. Answer: In the adopting release, the Commission indicated that it does not expect compliance with the disclosure requirements until issuers are required to have a recovery policy under the applicable exchange listing standard. Question: Is Rule 12b-25(b) available to a parent with respect to a subsidiary whose financial statements are to be filed by amendment to the parents Form 10-K under Rule 3-09 of Regulation S-X? As a result, Rule 12b-25 cannot be used to extend the time available for satisfying Part IIIs line-items by incorporating the proxy statement. 25, 2009]. These purchases are made pursuant to bi-weekly payroll deductions. Answer: The term calendar month under Rule 12b-2 is interpreted in a manner consistent with the term calendar month in determining Form S-3 eligibility. [December 8, 2016]. Question: What filings should a non-reporting foreign private issuer make when it succeeds to the reporting obligation of an issuer under Exchange Act Rule 12g-3? Benefits of Registration Should the registrant instead furnish a report on Form 8-K or 6-K, as applicable, relying on the COVID-19 Order (Release No. Question: A company has filed a Form 25 which will become automatically effective on a Sunday. Answer: No. L. 106-102, Nov. 12, 1999, 113 Stat. Question: Are there any additional extensions for the timely filing of periodic reports beyond those provided in Rule 12b-25? Question: On January 1, a person adopts a written plan for selling securities that satisfies the affirmative defense conditions of Rule 10b5-1(c). Answer: Paragraph (f) of Rule 12b-25 excludes from the operation of the rule a company with a subsidiary whose financial statements are to be filed by amendment to the companys Form 10-K, as provided in Rule 3-09 of Regulation S-X. The Commission publishes orders and related press releases concerning current fee rates on the Commission's web site at Rule 0-12 None > Sections 110 to 119. In such a case, each trust, estate or account is a distinct holder of record for purposes of Sections 12(g) and 15(d). Shareholders could interpret this example as asking them to vote on whether or not the company should hold an advisory vote on executive compensation, rather than asking shareholders to actually approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation paid to the companys named executive officers. In such cases, a transition report would not be required. 25, 2009]. 7b-3. Answer: No. Question: Is an employee benefit plan with a Section 15(d) reporting obligation that files Forms 11-K, or that has its filing obligation satisfied by compliance with Exchange Act Rule 15d-21, required to file any other current or periodic reports under the Exchange Act? [Mar. See Securities Act Release No. If a registrant properly files a Form 12b-25 with respect to a periodic report, and the Rule 12b-25 extension period for the filing of the periodic report ends on a Saturday, Sunday or federal holiday, the periodic report will be deemed to have been filed within the Rule 12b-25 extension period if the registrant files the periodic report by the next business day, consistent with Exchange Act Rule 0-3. Answer: Item 6.F of Form 20-F provides for individualized disclosure for an issuers named executive officers. It is the counting rule for determining whether an issuer has sufficient security holders to become or remain subject to Section 12(g) and to remain subject to Section 15(d). Question: At a time when she is not aware of material nonpublic information, a person establishes a written trading plan to sell 5,000 shares each month, on a date to be selected by her broker during the second or third week of each month, at or above $20 per share. Question: In determining whether a majority of the executive officers or directors are United States citizens or residents under the definition of foreign private issuer in Securities Act Rule 405 and Exchange Act Rule 3b-4(c), must the calculation be made separately for each group or are executive officers and directors to be treated as a single group when making the assessment? Answer: The cancellation of one or more plan transactions would be an alteration or deviation from the plan, which would terminate that plan. Rule 0-3 under the Exchange Act provides that when the due date of a report falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the report will be considered timely filed if it is filed on the first business day following the due date. Issuers must apply a determination methodology on a consistent basis. After filing the Form 25, the issuer files a Form 12b-25 with respect to a periodic report that is due between the date it filed the Form 25 and the effective date for the delisting under Rule 12d2-2(d)(1). 25, 2009]. The person may be aware of material nonpublic information when she places the limit order. Question: How does the analysis in Question 120.11 change if the written trading plan doesn't specify when the non-discretionary limit order will be in force? 284.01 A registration statement under the Securities Act relates to the initial public offering of common stock. Alternatively, an issuer may make the determination based on the number of voting securities. 34-94524; File No. Poison pill rights issuable under stockholder rights plans are not the type of rights contemplated by Rule 12a-5, which provides a temporary exemption from registration for substituted or additional securities to allow when-issued trading. As defined in Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(iii)(C), in the case of a limit order, "date" means a day of the year on which the limit order is in force. Answer: The COVID-19 Order is conditioned on a registrant having furnished a Form 8-K or Form 6-K by the later of March 16, 2020 or the original due date of the report. The rule does not require a binding contract (Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(A)(1)) or an instruction to another person (Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(A)(2)) to be written. Question: Does canceling one or more plan transactions affect the availability of the Rule 10b5-1(c) defense for future plan transactions? The companys next Form 10-Q is due on the same Sunday the Form 25 will become effective. 25, 2009]. The sale was not pursuant to a contract, instruction or plan that did not permit the person to exercise any subsequent discretion over how, when, or whether to effect purchases or sales. Question: Under Exchange Act Rule 12g-3, must a Form 8-A, or any other form, be filed in order for the securities of a successor issuer to be deemed registered under Section 12? Consequently, if he is aware of material nonpublic information at the time of exercise, no defense will be available under Rule 10b5-1(c). The adoption of the plan itself may not be the same as placement of a sell order. In this case, where one or more of the price, amount and dates of transactions under a contract, instruction or written plan are to be determined based on a delegation of discretion to another person, the availability of a defense depends upon satisfaction of the conditions of Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(B)(3). [September 30, 2008], 250.02 The successor to a Section 12(g) registrant that underwent a re-incorporation merger to change its state of incorporation reported the merger in the next Form 10-Q that would have been required of the Section 12(g) registrant, and thereafter continued to file Exchange Act reports in reliance upon Rule 12g-3. Standing alone, does the act of terminating a plan while aware of material nonpublic information, and thereby not engaging in the planned securities transaction, result in liability under Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5? [September 30, 2008]. Answer: Rule 12b-25(d) provides that, during the extension period, a company will not be eligible to use any registration statement form under the Securities Act the use of which is predicated on timely filed reports until the subject report is actually filed. The staff interprets the term use contained in the rule to mean that a company would not be eligible to file a new registration statement on Form S-3 until the subject report is filed within the extension period. Answer: No. 25, 2009]. Is the sale pursuant to the option exercise covered by an affirmative defense under Rule 10b5-1(c)? As a result, the Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(B)(3) defense would be unavailable. The issuer is not permitted to file a special financial statement report containing such audited financial statements pursuant to Rule 15d-2 (as opposed to an annual report in accordance with Rule 13a-1). The terms of the option, which is a binding contract within the meaning of Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(A)(1), specify the amount of shares to be sold and the price at which they will be sold under the option. The rule provides that a purchase or sale is not "pursuant to a contract, instruction, or plan" if, among other things, the person entered into or altered a corresponding or hedging transaction or position with respect to those securities. 25, 2009]. Question: For purposes of determining accelerated filer and large accelerated filer status, may an issuer take into account its reporting history as a voluntary filer? 25, 2009]. Does canceling one or more plan transactions affect the availability of the Rule 10b5-1(c) defense for prior plan transactions? [September 30, 2008]. Question: A person purchases employer stock through her participation in the employer's 401(k) plan. The reporting history of an issuer while it was a voluntary filer is not considered part of the twelve calendar months during which the issuer must have been subject to the reporting provisions of the Exchange Act. Question: May an issuer incorporate by reference into its own Exchange Act documents information contained in the filed documents of another issuer? Answer: If an employee acts in good faith and is not aware of material nonpublic information at the time she provides written or oral instructions as to payroll deduction purchases, a defense would be available for those purchases under Rule 10b5-1(c). Question: Do Rules 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(A)(3) and (B)(1) provide a defense for sales under the written trading plan described in Question 120.11 when the limit order is discretionary (where the broker is granted discretion such that the broker is not required to execute a sale as soon as a buyer is available at or above $20 per share)? 7881 (Aug. 15, 2000), text at fn. Shortly thereafter, the foreign issuer reincorporates in Delaware. In both cases, a calendar month begins on the first day of the month and ends on the last day of that month. Otherwise, a right to dividends alone shall not represent a pecuniary interest in the securities; ( E) A person's interest in securities held by a trust, as specified in 240.16a-8 (b); and.

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