evaluate the effectiveness of promoting healthy eating

Dimensions of pleasure and health used in the leaflets for each food group1. Evaluate the Effectiveness of Using ICT to Support Teaching and Learning The use of ICT to support teaching and learning incorporates more than the obvious use of computers in the classroom. Some intervention studies assessing dietary behaviors such as fruit and vegetable intake have shown that affective messages were more effective than cognitive messages at favoring behavioral changes (48, 6264). The Canadian Institutes of Health Research had no role in the study design; in collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of this article; and in the decision to submit it for publication. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of 2 healthy eating promotion leaflets that differed in terms of message orientation, with 1 focusing on eating pleasure and the other focusing on health. Considering that the concepts of good health and healthy eating are often associated in public health communications as well as in popular media (14, 56), this result is not surprising. Perceived message orientation: The message focuses on, Induced perception of healthy eating: Eating healthy can, help me achieve and maintain good health, Components of the theory of planned behavior, Copyright 2023 American Society for Nutrition. 77 views, 1 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Trng Tiu hc Tin Phng: Sinh hot di c tun 23 . Diet quality plays a vital role in promoting health and reducing prevalence of obesity and major chronic diseases (1, 2). Setting-based approaches included focusing on nurseries and childcare facilities 174 as well as on schools 174, 219 - 224 to promote healthy eating and increase fruit and vegetable intake in children through activities and education; these approaches were found to be particularly effective for young women. Perceived message orientation was measured with the following 2 items on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree: The message focuses on health benefits of eating healthily and The message focuses on the pleasure of eating healthily.. Comparison of the differences in iron and anemia-related markers by ultramarathon distance. philadelphia morgue unclaimed bodies; encomienda system aztecs; The clarity score was significantly higher for the health version than for the pleasure version. Computerized randomization was generated by blocks of 20 participants and stratified by gender. The 4 attribute items were: 1) reasonable/unreasonable; 2) logical/illogical; 3) rational/irrational; and 4) true to life/not true to life. Repeated measurements (before and after reading the leaflet) of ordinal data (perceptions of healthy eating, attitude, and intention) were analyzed with the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test. Unknown previous The ratings of the arousal dimension of emotions were similar in both conditions. California Residents: 877-324-7901 Background Healthy eating by primary school-aged children is important for good health and development. This past year, the women worked with a group . It was also found that the intention to eat healthily in the next month increased following the reading of both leaflets (both P<0.001). Population health measures may also be used in evaluation. Background Childhood overweight and obesity is a public health priority. evaluate the effectiveness of promoting healthy eating You Might Also Like. We also expected that pleasure-oriented messages would induce the perception that eating healthy can be pleasurable and would be associated with higher perceived message effectiveness, more intense and positive emotions, higher affective attitude, and lower cognitive attitude compared with health-oriented messages. Krebs-Smith SM, Guenther PM, Subar AF, Kirkpatrick SI, Dodd KW. A similar situation is observed in other industrialized countries, in which the consumption of a large proportion of the population does not meet dietary guidelines (811). A weight loss of 0.5 to 2 pounds (0.2 to 0.9 kilograms) a week is the typical recommendation. Although a significant number of experts advocate that communication strategies emphasizing pleasure could influence more effectively individuals eating habits compared with messages based on functional considerations of foods (e.g., health-based strategies) (4, 21, 26, 28, 29), the literature on this new perspective is still scarce. This has been demonstrated in previous studies identifying taste as a major determinant of food choices (20, 2224). For instance, it might be easier with interactive media to increase affective response of individuals to a message as well as its persuasiveness (60, 61). Comparison between both conditions revealed that the affective attitude towards healthy eating increased more in the pleasure condition than the health condition (P=0.05). However, the design needed to be relatively neutral to enable the reader to direct his/her attention mainly on the message rather than on a design being overly appealing. (26, 27) has shown that strategies focusing on sensory aspects of healthy food increased the choice of these foods, especially in those with a high BMI, and may be more effective for people with unhealthy dietary habits. Statistical adjustment for BMI (with the ANOVA procedure) did not change results obtained for dependent variables that significantly correlated with BMI (i.e., the item The message was interesting and the change in intention). . These high scores, as well as the relatively high general appreciation of leaflets (median score of 7 out of 10 for the pleasure-oriented leaflet and median score of 8 out of 10 for the health-oriented leaflet), indicate that clarity of the pleasure-oriented message is not an issue that will prevent these leaflets from being used in initiatives aimed at promoting healthy eating. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a booklet promoting healthy eating and increased physical activity amongst people aged 65 years and over, attending hospital outpatient clinics. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. A study commissioned by the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada also revealed that, in 2015, 48.3% of caloric intake of Canadians aged 2 y was from ultraprocessed foods, including foods that do not belong to Canada's Food Guide (e.g., fast food, sugary drinks, snacks, chips, candies, cookies, sweetened cereals, sauces, and dressings) (7). The four stages of changing a health behavior are. vegetables and fruits, grain products, milk and alternatives, meat and alternatives). A range of diverse initiatives from national and local organisation are helping to promote healthy eating. de Ridder D, Kroese F, Evers C, Adriaanse M, Gillebaart M. Block LG, Grier SA, Childers TL, Davis B, Ebert JEJ, Kumanyika S, Laczniak RN, Machin JE, Motley CM, Peracchio L et al. Moreover, there was no possibility for such an increase in the health condition because the score for this item was already at its maximum before reading the leaflet (median score was 7 out of 7). A total of 100 adults (50% women; mean SD age 45.113.0 y) were randomly assigned to read 1 of the 2 leaflets (pleasure: n = 50; health: n = 50). Figure 1 shows the flow of participants through the study. Many foods, such as juice, soups, fruits, vegetables, and milk are 80 to 90 percent water. However, the effectiveness of the MINISTOP app in real-world conditions needs to be established. A Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon U test was conducted to assess differences between both versions of the leaflet for individual Likert item and semantic differential scale as well as for mean scores not normally distributed. First, participants completed 10 online questionnaires at home documenting, among others, sociodemographic data, food and eating perceptions as well as attitude towards healthy eating and intention to eat healthily; these questionnaires were hosted on a secure web platform (FANI, http://inaf.fsaa.ulaval.ca/fani/). When identifying evaluation measures for health promotion and disease prevention programs, it is important to consider the program's focus, the needs of the audience or funders, and the time frame and training available for meeting program goals. Taken together, these results suggest that efforts to promote healthy eating that target affective attitude such as a pleasure-oriented approach could be more powerful at fostering dietary behavior changes than efforts appealing solely to utilitarian considerations such as the health-oriented approach. Such an increase was not observed after reading the health leaflet. Promoting healthy eating among adolescents has become an important public health and research priority because the incidence of obesity and overweight among adolescents continues to increase and tends to persist into adulthood (5, 6). Schools can play an important role in the education and promotion of healthy eating among children. The difference in message orientation (pleasure compared with health) was well perceived by participants (P0.01). To promote healthy dietary habits, public health authorities worldwide have launched various initiatives, all of which have in common the aim of promoting the consumption of nutritious foods through the transmission of information that focuses on the nutritional value of foods and their impact on health and body weight (35). Both versions of the leaflet showed similar acceptance, except for the clarity of the message, which was higher for the health-oriented message than for the pleasure-oriented message (P=0.01). We undertook a systematic review of interventions to promote . Health communication research has shown that message framing plays an important role in the effectiveness of messages (32, 33). Learning to recognize and honor your body's . Designate a specific spot in your home where your family can sit, relax and visit while eating. In fact, the written format and the length of the message require a certain level of concentration on the part of an individual. Further studies are needed to better understand the influence of weight status on the response to an approach focusing on eating pleasure in the promotion of healthy eating. Feasibility studies are not designed to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions . Modest weight loss has been shown to improve health, and it may bring you other benefits such as better mood and more energy. 8.1 Explain factors that may promote healthy eating in different groups : 8.2 Explain factors that may create barriers to healthy eating for different groups . 978 1 446 95317 4 - Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (England) . An interaction between BMI and the condition was noted only for the arousal score (P=0.03). Participants were met individually and were asked to read the leaflet. In the pleasure leaflet, healthy eating was addressed through different dimensions of eating pleasure: 1) sharing a meal; 2) discovery and variety; 3) cooking; and 4) sensory aspects of foods. encouraging fussy eaters to try new foods. Hence, there is a need to examine the effects of a pleasure- compared with a health-oriented message strategy on adherence to healthy eating. Also, the language was carefully chosen to closely reflect the respective message orientation of each leaflet. In conclusion, although an increasing number of experts advocate that communication strategies emphasizing pleasure could influence more effectively individuals eating habits and behaviors compared with messages based on the health attributes of food (4, 21, 26, 28, 29), the literature about this new perspective is still scarce. We have previously reported the efficacy of a parent-oriented mobile health (mHealth) app-based intervention (MINISTOP 1.0) which showed improvements in healthy lifestyle behaviors. Health Psychology 28(6):690-701. . These findings suggest that the leaflets would be appropriate to promote healthy eating through 2 distinct approaches (health and pleasure paradigms) and propose that different effects on attitude could be observed from these 2 approaches. Contrary to what was anticipated, although readers of the pleasure leaflet seemed to have experienced more appeal (arousal) and to have more pleasurable emotions (valence) than readers of the health leaflet, these 2 variables were not significantly different between both conditions. talking in positive ways about the healthy foods the children are eating. To create a social environment where healthy eating and a positive body image are the norm, Connie Sobczak and Elizabeth Scott established The Body Positive initiative in 1996. Changing the way you go about eating can make it easier to eat less without feeling deprived. [updated January 26, 2016; cited November 20, 2017]. Of these programmes, the ones that were most effective were of long duration and high intensity, and involved the whole school. In fact, our sample was on the average more obese [31% compared with 23% in the general population (69)] and more educated [81% had a college or university degree compared with 48% in the general population (68)] than the population of Qubec. Five participants (4 randomized to the pleasure condition and 1 randomized to the health condition; 5% of the total sample) withdrew before the visit to our research institute during which subjects were asked to evaluate the leaflets. Recent studies have also suggested that eating pleasure was associated with healthy eating behaviors such as the preference for smaller food portions and moderation (25). Background: Early care and education providers cite lack of parent engagement as a central barrier to promoting healthy behaviors among young children. P25, 25th percentile; P75,75th percentile. Practice eating slowly, tasting your food and stopping eating when you're satisfied, not stuffed. . Collectively, these findings highlight the potential of a pleasure-oriented approach to foster healthy eating habits in individuals with suboptimal dietary habits. In this way, the vocabulary used in the pleasure-oriented message referred mostly to sensations and emotions (e.g., creativity, having fun, deliciously, smooth), whereas wording selected for the health-oriented message referred to more rational considerations (e.g., control of appetite, dietary fibers, light, calories). Evaluating community health interventions is vital in order to: refine and improve program implementation. Available from: Motives for dish choices during home meal preparation: results from a large sample of the NutriNet-Sante study, Encouraging the consumption of fruit and vegetables by older Australians: an experiential study, International Food Information Council Foundation. 1. Some of these initiatives are Start4life, Change4life and 5 a day campaign, eat smart play smart, cool milk, The children's food campaign,the nursery milk scheme eat better start better programme, the schools Fruit and Vegetable Scheme, Feeding Young Imaginations. Fruit and vegetable consumption in Europedo Europeans get enough? As an example, instead of putting the same images in both leaflets, pictures representing as faithfully as possible each dimension of eating pleasure could be used in the pleasure leaflet, whereas pictures focusing on health attributes of foods usually associated with the promotion of healthy eating could be selected for the health leaflet. Height and body weight were measured according to a standardized procedure (38) at the end of the visit, and a compensation of C$50 was given to each participant. However, additional intervention studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis. Effective techniques in healthy eating and physical activity interventions: a meta-regression. The method to diffuse the message chosen in this study might explain this observation. In 1920 it was introduced as an effective treatment for epilepsy in children in whom medication was ineffective. Childhood is an important time for shaping healthy habits. Methods: A total of 396 fifth- and sixth-grade children, from 2 . Box 4 Evaluation: using commitment contracts to encourage extended weight loss Box 5 Health-promoting children's television programme and subsequent food product branding in Iceland Box 6 Modelling the cost effectiveness of interventions to promote physical activity in Australia It is not known whether healthy eating interventions are equally effective among all sections of the population, nor whether they narrow or widen the health gap between rich and poor. The leaflet was designed by a communication agency from Laval University, the Agence de communication Prambule, to offer a pleasing aesthetic and visual aspect. Except for arousal score (19), valence score (3 to 3), and general appreciation (110), the score for the other items ranged from 1 to 7. n = 49 for affective, instrumental, and global attitude scores. In order to manipulate participants perceptions towards healthy eating, 2 leaflets differing in message orientation have been developed: a pleasure version and a health version. However, additional intervention studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis. More specifically, the affective dimension of attitude increased after reading the pleasure-oriented message (P=0.002), whereas the cognitive attitude increased after reading the health-oriented message (P<0.0001). P value for BMI adjusted with an ANOVA procedure. [cited January 24, 2019]. Here are some simple ways you and your family can optimize their hydration habits. preparation. Faster weight loss can be safe if it's done right. 4 So if you weigh 200 pounds, that would mean losing 10 to 20 pounds. Perceived message effectiveness and induced emotions in response to reading were similar between leaflets. This study was conducted among adults aged between 18 and 65 y. In the context of this study, our definition of eating pleasure echoes the Epicurean pleasure as proposed by Cornil and Chandon (25) and defined as the enduring pleasure derived from the aesthetic appreciation of the sensory and symbolic value of foods (p. 52). While it's healthier to get in the habit of drinking a lot of plain water to improve your . Therefore, length of the text, pictures representing food groups, foods, or meals proposed in the communications, as well as the design and the format of the leaflet were identical. Publication bias in the potential to evaluate effectiveness different promoting healthy eating habits through diet. Data analysis was performed with SAS statistical software (SAS Studio version 3.6, SAS Institute Inc.). Some limitations of the present study should be mentioned. After reading the leaflet, participants completed a manipulation check regarding the recognition of the message orientation (35, 39). Rozin P, Fischler C, Imada S, Sarubin A, Wrzesniewski A. Gravel K, Deslauriers A, Watiez M, Dumont M, Dufour Bouchard AA, Provencher V. Ducrot P, Mejean C, Alles B, Fassier P, Hercberg S, Peneau S. Dixon H, Mullins R, Wakefield M, Hill D. Petit O, Basso F, Merunka D, Spence C, Cheok AD, Oullier O. Jacquier C, Bonthoux F, Baciu M, Ruffieux B. Petit O, Merunka D, Anton JL, Nazarian B, Spence C, Cheok AD, Raccah D, Oullier O. Landry M, Lemieux S, Lapointe A, Blanger-Gravel A, Bgin C, Provencher V, Desroches S. Cornelis E, Cauberghe V, De Pelsmacker P. van't Riet J, Werrij MQ, Nieuwkamp R, de Vries H, Ruiter RAC. From a clinical practice perspective, a pilot randomized control trial has suggested that eating-related attitudes and behaviors could be improved through sensory-based interventions among restrained women (17). Evaluating the effectiveness of these initiatives is difficult, as many factors influence dietary habits. Effect of acute high-intensity intermittent exercise on serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor concentrations. The first meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA), the agency's governing body, took place on 24 July of that year. These dimensions were identified from previous focus groups led by our research team that assessed perceptions of healthy eating and eating pleasure in the study population (31). and mental health units. It includes technology that is used to help children with disabilities.

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