curriculum for wales 2022 progression steps

Listening for meaning. Explains what the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act will do. Confidently deliver Computing for the new Curriculum for Wales and develop students' ICT skills with the interactive, ac. Ideally this should be a three-way communication process between the learner, their parents, carers and practitioners. They are key to school level curriculum design and development. How an understanding of child development is applied to support progression for all learners. How could you work together to improve current arrangements and ways of working to support these discussions? An Assessment Working Group has been central to developing the new proposals. The new curriculum will include: 6 Areas of Learning and Experience from 3 to 16 3 cross curriculum responsibilities: literacy, numeracy and digital competence progression reference points at ages 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 achievement outcomes which describe expected achievements at each progression reference point. Draft assessment arrangements for funded non-maintained nursery settings were made available in summer 2022. For ease, links to the relevant sections of this guidance will be provided in the Welsh Ministers assessment arrangements guidance for funded non-maintained nursery settings. The new curriculum is a continuum of learning for children from 3 to 16 years of age. Enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work. Women Lawyers Association of NSW - An opportunity for female law . More information on each of these main participants is detailed below. When undertaken well, this can aid learner progression by helping parents and carers to understand how they can support learning within and outside the school environment creating a bridge between school or setting and home. Poster outlining the 4 purposes of education for children and young people. This may include specialist educational support and support from other agencies (for example health services), provide information about learning progression that has taken place and been assessed in other contexts (for example for learners in joint placements between a school and another setting). An indication of how these discussions can support learner transition from year to year within a school/setting as well as between schools and settings), Identification of how internal discussions will inform wider discussions with other schools/settings as appropriate and vice versa, To discuss their understanding and experience of developing progression, schools and settings can use the. their next steps and the support or challenge . While this guidance focuses on supporting learner progression from ages 3 to 16 as an integral part of learning and teaching, assessment for the purposes of awarding external qualifications is different in nature, as these have a greater level of external control and prescription. For settings who have chosen to design and adopt their own curriculum the Enabling Learning guidance should be used as a starting point for discussions. The curriculum specified what subjects should be taught and what standard children were expected to reach by different ages. These can be considered as both longitudinal and cross-sectional. According to one summary of the act: [1] Families engage enthusiastically with this considered approach to homework. Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3; These recommendations are based on Humanism. Contributeur: Laszlo Fedor (Contributions by), Jonathan Agar (Contributions by). As they make progress along the continuum with increasing independence, learners should be supported and encouraged to: Parents, carers and external partners have an important role to play and schools and settings should engage with them so that they can support learner progression in an appropriate way. experiences and skills for careers and the workplace, learning about local, national and international contexts. Communicating effectively with parents and carers on an ongoing basis is an important way to foster positive relationships in order to engage them in purposeful and meaningful dialogue. Explore the pedagogy required to prepare for and implement the new curriculum and compare this to current practice. Public Health Wales have published a warn and inform letter regarding scarlet fever an invasive streptococcal disease./ Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi cyhoeddi llythyr rhybuddio a hysbysu yngln thwymyn y Scarlet yn glefyd streptococol ymledol. Encounters with employers and employees . The new Curriculum for Wales will be organised in 6 Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE) (replacing the current 13 National Curriculum subjects), underpinned by the Cross Curricular Responsibilities of Literacy, Numeracy, Digital Competence and the Wider Skills. There has been a lot of focus on work experience over recent years, with two of the Gatsby Benchmarks in England directly related (5. For those providing EOTAS education, including PRUs, the, the CAMAU i'r Dyfodol project, a national research project designed to build capacity in understanding and developing progression from 3 to 16 across the curriculum in schools across Wales, primary schools should engage with leaders of funded non-maintained nursery settings, primary and secondary schools should engage with each other, primary and secondary schools should engage with leaders of PRUs, how future progression needs can be supported at home. In reality, some discussions between secondary schools and their feeder primary schools may contribute to both developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression and supporting transition arrangements. Last week (22 February) in its Research review series, Ofsted published new research and analysis into art and design. To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it. This professional dialogue is important to: To support this ongoing professional dialogue, all those participating in discussions should do so on an equal basis with practitioners sharing and reflecting on their own experiences of the learning process and of supporting learners to progress. From 31 January 2023, the Curriculum for Wales framework guidance has been updated. It may also be appropriate for leaders to put arrangements in place which allows practitioners from their school/setting to participate in professional dialogue with representatives from various settings or sectors together for example, a primary school may wish to invite relevant funded non-maintained nursery settings to contribute to school cluster meetings or schools may meet through cross-cluster arrangements. Non-essential cookies are also used to tailor and improve services. If they have chosen to adopt the curriculum provided by Welsh Ministers, assessment arrangements will be made available to be used alongside it. Much work has been done to identify key areas for development in light of local & national priorities. The theme for this year's British Science Week is 'connections', and it could not be more relevant to Ofsted's latest findings on how best to teach the subject of science. It differs to some extent in structure and content to other parts of the United Kingdom, in the later case particularly in . (LogOut/ *Formative assessment is mainly undertaken with learners during the learning process to explore how they are progressing and to identify achievements, as well as to identify areas where their learning may need to develop further. The school raises the level of resilience and aspiration by setting homework projects each term to support pupils' learning. . This is important to help them: spot any issues or extra support they need. Cookies are used to help distinguish between humans and bots on contact forms on this The draft guidance on assessment arrangements to support the Welsh Ministers curriculum was made available on 1 September 2022. School and setting leaders are best placed to develop the most appropriate arrangements to enable practitioners to participate in professional dialogue for the purpose of developing a shared understanding of progression. Progression Step 1 Nursery to Reception. These cookies are: We would also like to save some cookies to help: You have accepted additional cookies. As part of the exercise you will be asked for your thoughts on the proposals themselves, how they can be refined, and the support you feel you will need to turn the high level principles into a reality. To reflect the importance of these discussions between practitioners, the leaders of all schools and settings in Wales are required to put arrangements in place to enable them to participate in professional dialogue for the purpose of developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression. Create . Assessment is intrinsic to curriculum design and its overarching purpose within the curriculum is to support every learner to make progress. Art itself is not static, and its purposes, materials and methods are always evolving.'. AoLE groups are working on this area over the Summer term. Theyll work with their teachers to understand how well theyre doing. This should include both immediate next steps and longer-term objectives and goals that the learner should work towards to help keep them moving forward in their learning. Create confident and capable mathematicians with accessible explanations and. plenty of opportunity to think like a scientist, but now the curriculum design process is explicit and KS3 - sorry, Progression step 4 - has a vital role in the development of pupils for the . between progression steps with skill-checker activities at the start of each topic and review questions after each Taith360 is a complete planning and assessment tool designed for the new Welsh Curriculum. Assessment is key to supporting deep learning and should be used to identify whether a learner needs to consolidate learning, whether further support is needed and/or whether the learner can progress to the next steps in learning. This guidance concerns assessment, which is focused on supporting learner progression. Request a different format. how their expectations for progression compare to those of other schools and settings, to ensure coherence and equity across the education system and a sufficient pace and challenge in their approach to progression in their curriculum and assessment arrangements. An outline of how the outcomes of these discussions will be captured to inform a school/settings self-evaluation processes and how their subsequent improvement priorities in turn help identify the areas for consideration during these conversations. Assessment must be an ongoing process that is embedded within day-to-day planning and practice as it is fundamental to the learning process. developmentally appropriate relationships and sexuality education. Therefore, supporting learner progression is a requirement for all maintained schools and settings. This is key to enabling them to work towards realising the four purposes, as they progress through their school or settings and into different pathways beyond school. Where possible, practitioners from funded non-maintained nursery settings should also take every opportunity to engage with other funded non-maintained nursery settings and maintained nursery schools to develop and maintain their understanding of progression and share their experiences of supporting learner progression. Our new Welsh Progression Steps Frameworks are now available. We also recommend that PRUs build on any existing structures that may already be in place with schools, PRUs or other EOTAS to engage in discussions regarding progression. As part of this, schools and settings should consider taking forward collaborative approaches through participation in clusters and wider networks. As such phases and stages do not exist in the new curriculum. What further support and opportunities for discussion are available to the school or setting through local and regional networks and how might these be used to discuss progression? Estyn also have a duty to inspect in accordance with the legislation. They are not a series of criteria to be directly assessed against, nor can they be assessed by discrete assessment tasks, independent of learning and teaching activities. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and This incorporates physical health anddevelopment, mental health and emotionaland social well-being. How might the outcomes of discussions within and between schools and settings feed into the school or settings curriculum and assessment design and self-evaluation processes. The other steps are: The statutory requirements for schools, EOTAS including PRUs, and FNNE in respect of assessment arrangements can be found in the summary of legislation section of the Curriculum for Wales guidance. As they do so, they will make links across their learning and apply this in new and challenging contexts. Secondary schools are also encouraged to engage with leaders of post-16 settings, for example, further education institutions. with practitioners in other schools beyond their cluster(s) to help ensure equity across the education system. The importance of play and playful learning, being outdoors, observation and authentic and purposeful learning. This should be in an accessible manner which both maximises parents and carers engagement and understanding. Where possible, learners should be enabled to gather examples of their learning, articulate their own progress and achievements, and convey their aspirations and views on the next steps in their learning. Non-essential cookies are also used to tailor and improve services. A useful article on this blog in June 2018 outlined the principles underpinning progression, and in September an animation on progression was also published to explain the approach. Guidance for school governors about the Curriculum for Wales 2022. Explore all your options and start planning your next steps. Four overarching aims guide the entire curriculum. This focuses on understanding what it means to make progress in a given area or discipline as learners increase the depth, breadth and sophistication of their knowledge and understanding, skills and capacities, and attributes and dispositions. This understanding can contribute to processes of self-evaluation and continuous improvement. This guidance should be used as a basis for professional discussions and learning within and between schools and settings, to support self-improvement and to bring consistency across schools and settings. Instead, they will be used on an ongoing basis to help practitioners decide whether a learner is on track with their learning progression. Statutory online personalised assessments are part of the wider assessment arrangements and are designed to help the practitioner and learner understand how a learners reading and numeracy skills are developing and what the next steps should be. This relationship at the local, regional, and national level will help bring coherence as schools and settings engage with and enact Curriculum for Wales and it evolves within schools and settings. the pace and challenge of expectations the process of developing a shared understanding enables practitioners and schools and settings to explore whether their expectations for learners are sufficiently challenging and realistic and whether any support is required by individuals, further supporting equity for all learners, provide ongoing opportunities for practitioners to reflect on their understanding of progression and how it is articulated in their curriculum, thus feeding into their curriculum and assessment design, planning and self-evaluation and improvement processes, provide ongoing opportunities for practitioners to compare their thinking to other similar schools and settings, providing a level of consistency of expectation while retaining local flexibility, strengthen understanding of approaches and practice between schools and settings, including, where relevant, funded non-maintained nursery settings, PRUs and other EOTAS providers, within their school; and across their school cluster group(s). Further detailed guidance on the production of Transition Plans can be found here and supporting materials on transition in practice here. This statutory guidance should be read in conjunction with the rest of the Curriculum for Wales guidance on curriculum design and implementation. Curriculum for Wales: Mastering Mathematics for 11-14 Years: Book 3 2022-08-26 Create confident and . It grouped school years between the ages of five and sixteen into four "key stages". As part of the learning process, practitioners and learners should develop an understanding of how each learner learns and what their attitudes and approaches to learning are, in order to support their continuing progress and to foster commitment to their learning. Qualifications Wales is working with stakeholders to co-construct a coherent and inclusive choice of bilingual qualifications for schools that aligns to Curriculum for Wales and meets the needs of all learners. In 2016 we launched our first assessment products designed specifically for the Welsh curriculum. The four purposes are that all children and young people will be: Ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives. DOWNLOAD ALL Identifying key chemistry skills The chemistry skills template (progression step 4) offers a template and example, summarising the skills developed during progression step 4, as outlined in the curriculum planning support document. VENDRE! The new continuum has progression steps, reference points that relate broadly to expectations at 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 years of age. Cornerstones Director Simon Hickton provides an overview of Ofsted's latest publication, Finding the optimum: the science subject report. As schools and settings continue to develop their curriculum and assessment arrangements, they may wish to use these professional dialogue arrangements to share their thinking, approaches and examples. This refers to particular elements, in addition to the above, that each school or setting may choose to develop and implement in their own context to support assessment practice. Curriculum for Wales / Cwricwlwm i Gymru Curriculum for Wales - English Medium Progression Steps Progression Step 3 Health and Wellbeing Health, . Assessment will be part of your childs learning every day. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. For a definition of school cluster group(s), please see the. coherence Curriculum for Wales provides schools and settings with flexibility within a national framework. Preparing students for interviews. The new curriculum will be introduced in all publicly funded nursery settings and primary schools this September. about a learners overall progression at a set age or point in time. The proposals make it clear that assessment is an integral part of learning and teaching and should not be conflated with external accountability and national monitoring activities. Although schools have faced a challenging time during the . functionality such as being able to log in to the website will not work if you do this. There is a clear link between these discussions and transition arrangements both within and between schools and settings. Averages , 5. Children will be learning in Progression steps, which are rough guides for where children in certain age groups should be along the progression line. Learner progression along a continuum of learning from ages 3 to 16 is central to Curriculum for Wales. A summary of the public's response to recommendations on a new approach to curriculum and assessment. Progression Steps will be at 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 and take the form of Achievement Outcomes relating broadly to expectations at those ages. The new Curriculum for Wales will apply from the age of 3 to 16 and provide for a continuum of learning rather than the separation of schooling into key stages as at present. Despite this, music education in Wales did not exist before the early years of the 20th century. These progression steps are set out as a series of achievement outcomes, which are broad expectations of learning over two to three-year periods. Each school will choose specific means to implement practice that identifies and addresses any needs of individual learners for additional challenge or support. As the Curriculum for Wales rolls out in our schools, all practitioners will need a deep understanding of progression and assessment. While the provision of personalised assessment reports to parents and carers is a statutory requirement, this is only a small element of what may be provided and should be considered in the context of the wider communication and engagement process with parents and carers. The new curriculum will include: 6 Areas of Learning and Experience from 3 to 16 3 cross curriculum responsibilities: literacy, numeracy and digital competence progression reference points at ages 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 achievement outcomes which describe expected achievements at each progression reference point. used to prevent cross site request forgery. Our new frameworks cover from Routes for Learning through to Welsh Progression Step 3. The Code sets out the ways in which a curriculum must make provision for all learners. This will help learners to develop knowledge, skills and understanding, and to apply them in different contexts. smooth transitions a shared understanding across a school cluster ensures the best possible transitions within and between nursery schools and primary schools and primary and secondary school for learners, as institutions will understand what and how learners have been learning and will be learning and what their next steps in learning should be to support their education and well-being.

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