EF-scale: EF1 SPC's and Storm Data's "Taylor and Washington" counties makes no sense since those two counties don't border each other. Noted discrepancies: SPC and NCDC list this as an F2Grazulis does not list it. EF-Scale: EF-0 Four homes, four trailers, and many outbuildings were destroyed. Tornadoes | World | The Guardian March 2, 2012 Noted discrepancies: SPC gives a path width of 20 yards, NCDC says 27 yards, Storm Data says 25 yards. Wind speeds were estimated around 85 mph. June 30, 1977 Tornadoes - Kansapedia - Kansas Historical Society Storm Data lists it in Shelby County. Noted discrepancies: NCDC narrative does not match up with the lat/lons given for Jefferson County. Path length: F-scale: EF2 Pieces of oak fencing were tossed around and two small outbuildings were damaged. Barns were blown down along KY 1160 near McAfee. Path length: Cottages were destroyed on the southeast corner of Churchill and Twelfth. Path length: The first observed damage was near Round Knob in the Clark State Forest. Path width: F-scale: F2 Deaths: Time: 1:00am Injuries: 57 The tornado weakened to an EF-1 at 871 Palmyra Rd. Time: 1:00pm Deaths: March 25, 2021 Path length: 1.6mile Two tornadoes were reported in Kansas and Missouri, and one in Texas. Counties: Harrison IN, Floyd, Clark IN, Jefferson KY July 13, 1987 Path length: Injuries: 0 Path length: Counties: Logan Thunderstorms are expected to hit the . It continued skipping east, uprooting and snapping trees and destroying an anchored mobile home on Underwood Road. Path width: 75 yards Path length: 0.1 mile The first home damaged was on Fourth Street opposite the park. County: Grayson Injuries: 11 Notes: A tornado with 90 mph winds touched down one mile west of the intersection of KY 214 and KY 953. Time: 6:30pm 90 mph winds. Notes:A large barn was destroyed, trees were felled, and the doors and siding were pulled off of a barn along Finney Road. EF-Scale: EF0 Counties: Clark, IN Notes: Numerous pine and cedar trees were uprooted or snapped and a few outbuildings were damaged. April 30, 1997 April 20, 1996 Path length: Storm Data seems to only list Harrison County. Path length: 2.2miles Injuries: 0 Two trailers, two cars, and ten barns were destroyed. Deaths: 11 March 19, 1849 Pieces of the bridge weighing several tons . Injuries: 7 F-scale: EF1 The tornado weakened to F1 strength as it moved into the Tates Creek Trailer Park on the Fayette County line. Time: 5:10pm CDT Path width: 30 yards Path length: 1.4 miles Trees were uprooted and snapped. Time: 2:15pm Notes: At the start of the path the tornado was EF-0 strength as it damaged shingles and siding and snapped maple trees. Notes:A very narrow and intense damage path of rotating winds of90-95 mph was embedded within a 3-mile wide area of straight-linewinds. The Masonic Home for Widows and Orphans was located where DuPont Manual High School is today. Time: 2:10pm May 21, 2010 April 6, 1988 Counties: Clinton Time: 7:19am-7:46am EDT Path width: Injuries: 2 Path width: 50yards Notes: Storm Data puts this tornado in Eckerty. By John Brocklesby (1811-1899) April 5, 2017 There were indications that this was an intermittent skipping tornado. EF-scale: EF0 Notes: The tornado developed in a subdivision in Goshen and traveled to the east northeast. The tornado then turned to the right and re-crossed the Ohio River, coming back into Louisville dissipating near the present-day intersection of Zorn Avenue and River Road after badly damaging the city water tower. Noted discrepancies: SPC lists a path width of 70 yards, NCDC 73 yards, Storm Data 75 yards. Counties: Scott IN Injuries: Several residents on Dutch Chapel Road heard a distinct "freight train roar" and their ears popped, along with zero visibility during torrential rain when the storm struck. Deaths: March 12, 1986 F-scale: F2 F-scale: F0 A store at the intersection of Brownsboro Road and Ballardsville Road was unroofed. NCDC lists Hamilton County Illinois with an F4 at 5:20pm, agreeing perfectly with Grazulis. Path length: Time: 8:01pm EDT Notes:The tornado touched down just insidethe Breckinridge-Meade County linenorth of Irvington. Counties: Hardin Damage included roofs blown off two brick homes with the walls collapsed in one home. Here, there was evidence of multi-vortex structure with EF4 damage and 175 mph estimated winds. Path width: 200yards Injuries: 0 Deaths: Deaths: The funnel may have been aloft over Fairfield. Path width: 350 yards Make careful observations of all electric displays, the appearance of balls of fire, the sound of thunder, the roar of the tornado, etc. The tornado first touched down near the intersection of Lee Road and Fort Avenue just west of the military base's boundary. The church itself was leveled. Injuries: 0 Fencing with 8" posts was torn down. Significant wind damage occurred outside the tornado's path. Between 1890 and 2011, the city, which is located near the heart of "tornado alley," was hit by a . The tornado also uprooted numerous trees and ripped off sections of roofing from several other buildings. Path length: F-scale: F2 The tornado continued southward for another two-tenths of a mile, downing trees along Campground Rd before lifting. Path width: 250 yards Path length: 2 miles F-scale: F1 April 11, 2008 May 18, 1995 Time: 3:19am EST F-scale: F1 Path width: 100yards More research would be nice, to confirm its location and to get a better handle on path width and length. EF-Scale: EF1 April 23, 2011 Path width: 50 yards Deaths: 0 Grazulis narrative: Moved east-northeast and northeast from three miles south of Huffman, passing southeast of Branchville, north of Sulphur Springs and Pilot Knob, south of Sulphur and Curby, across the southeast part of DePauw, hitting two miles east of Palmyra, passing through Martinsburg, crossing the southeast half of Daisy Hill, passing between Bunker Hill and New Liberty, and ending two miles north of IN 160. EF-Scale:EF1 Injuries: Grazulis Narrative: Moved northeast near Eastern State College in Richmond. EF-Scale:EF1 At 9407 Willowwood Way there was roof damage and many trees, both hardwood and softwood, were snapped and uprooted. A well constructed log cabin lost shingles. Path width: Time: 11:44am CST to 11:47am CST Structural damage was observed on one farm, where the roof was torn off a large metal outbuildingand minor damage occurred to several other buildings as a result of this debris. Counties: Oldham Deaths: Narrative: A barn was significantly damaged west of Big Spring, and a mobile home was partially unroofed southeast of Big Spring. F-scale: F2 F-scale: F1 On October 25th, 1844 a tornado struck near present-day Mission, Kansas and into Missouri damaging or destroying a number of farms. June 26, 2013 Notes: Storm Data says this tornado touched down near Botland on Manton Road at the Carol Ballard Farm. Notes: Storm Data places this tornado in Lucas. Deaths: This continued along Graveltown Road. Deaths: 0 June 29, 1979 Path width: Notes: The tornado began in a field west of Center Peggyville Road, taking out several trees in a tree line before moving east where it destroyed a large, well-built barn, lofting debris into the air and sending it as far as 0.25 mile to the east. Counties: Ohio, Butler Deaths: 0 The most concentrated damage was along Colville Road, down Endicott Lane, and over to the Steele Ford Road area. Path width: 300 yards F-scale: F1 It touched down on Buck Lane, struck KY 1978, crossed Georgetown Road, and struck near Citation Boulevard. Deaths: 0 Path width: A four-year-old girl in the house was blown 200 yards and survived with a broken leg. The vortex quickly intensified to EF3 strength as it crossed the south portion of the town of Marysville, severely damaging several homes. Deaths: In the block bordered by Kentucky, Oak, Eleventh, and Tenth (along Oldham Street) the Louisville Bridge Company building was wrecked, with only the northern part of it (which was on the northern fringe of the tornado) still standing. Path width: 25 yards Weather Stories F-scale: F1 Injuries: 0 One in the Livonia, Smedley, and Salem areas, and the other in the Fredericksburg/Martinsburg area. The tornado was on the ground intermittently along its path to the south and east of Park City, destroying eight barns and snapping or uprooting several trees. Notes: Storm Data says this tornado struck at Rocky Hill Crossroad. April 3, 1974 Notes: Touchdown was on Pleasant Drive about two miles southeast of Springfield. Counties: Metcalfe, Adair Injuries: 0 Deaths: 0 Continuing to the northeast, at a home east of Gaines Road the owner reported that the water was evacuated out of all four toilets in the building as the tornado passed by. May 14, 1995 Deaths: 0 Path length: Finally, the tornado lifted after doing damage from the south side of Henryville near Robyn Avenue to the east side of Henryville at the intersection of Highway 160 and Haddox Road. Time: 4:00pm Time: 11:40pm - 11:42pm EST Counties: Jefferson KY, Oldham August 1, 1979 Fifteen homes had major roof damage. Counties: Jessamine, Fayette Deaths: 2 (Mr and Mrs Bulon Swanson) Two women were killed when their shelter collapsed onto them. The local townspeople were unaware Path width: Path width: Counties: Scott KY Path length: 2.9 miles The US Bank building at the corner of Fifth and Main had some roof damage. Time: 6:10pm Path length: Time: 8:04pm EDT Counties: Warren Injuries: 0 Will plot it between New Roe and the Tennessee border. Counties: Dubois Time: 8:20pm CDT Injuries: Counties: Barren Deaths: A church was damaged near the intersection of Broadway and KY 933. SPC gives a path length of 20 milesNCDC gives 21 milesGrazulis give 29 miles. Path width: 200 yards Path width: 50yards Three houses were destroyed and five were damaged. Injuries: A more concentrated area of damage then occurred as the tornado crossed Saloma Road and moved roughly parallel to and just north of Upper Miller Park Road. Tales Path width: 90 yards Path length: 0.8 miles Also, an above ground pool half filled with water was missing. Path length:5.2 miles Path length: 1.3miles In addition, two homes on Dutch Chapel Road had significant roof damage and other structural damage, with debris thrown to the north, northeast, and east southeast. Narrative: A tornado unroofed and blew out the walls of a bank in Bowling Green. A severe weather outbreak in the mid-Mississippi Valley more than lived up to its well-predicted potential for strong tornadoes on Friday, December 10, taking lives and raking landscapes from Arkansas to Illinois. Injuries: 0 Counties: Hancock, Perry At least three homes were damaged, two from trees falling on them, with minor roofing damage to a third. Time: 8:04pm CDT An older, well built barn with sturdy cedar poles sustained significant side panel damage. The tornado snapped large limbs from the tree canopy in this area and likely was not in total contact with the ground. May 14, 2014 Noted discrepancies: SPC and NCDC give a time of 9:00pm, Grazulis and Storm Data five 10:00pm. Time: 4:00pm EF-Scale: EF0 Path width: 45yards Near Rocky Hill a barn was destroyed and two outbuildings lost their roofs. Nationwide Weather Stories Path length: Noted discrepancies: Storm Data mentions damage on Black Jack Road in southeast Radcliff. Path length: Path width: 400 yards Most of the injuries were in the Gilpin-Mount Olive area. The tornado continued to strengthen just east of Exit 19 of Interstate 65 in a heavily industrialized area. July 10, 2015 Time: 12:50am - 12:51am EST Grazulis narrative: A tornado touched down near US 127 and moved northeast. It touched down near IN 56, crossed Beck's Mill Road, and crossed Walker Road. Narrative: This tornado moved east-northeast from one mile northwest of Fern Creek, traveling parallel to the previously mentioned tornado. Counties: Hart In Mercer County four homes and 26 homes were destroyed. The tornado again caused damage on Electron Drive at the Dillard's Warehouse and Machinery Specialties Warehouse. Path length: The length of this touchdown was .80 miles. The walls of one of the barns collapsed in multiple directions. On Simler Road, there was consistent snapped tree damage anda camper that had been tossed and flipped over and several barns received extensive damage. Counties: Casey Path width: January 2, 2006 At least a hundred buildings were affected. Tornado Machine Plans, Weather Safety Path width: 100 yards The skipping storm then raced northeast across hilly rural terrain. F-scale: F1 Black and white with county lines Twisters brought devastating results. Path width: Path width: Time: 4:30pm Time: 11:55am Deaths: 2 Path width: Grazulis narrative: A small tornado demolished a barn and carried the barn timbers a half mile away from the barn site. May 27, 2004 The tornado intensified east of the intersection of Kettle Bottom and State Highway 362. Injuries: 0 Notes: Storm Data says this tornado struck Valley Station. June 27, 1973 Counties: Perry Noted discrepancies: SPC gives a path width of 10 yards and a path length of 1/10 of a mileNCDC gives nothing for either. Time: 9:15am Time: 3:26am Path width: People would cross the street rather than walk by it. Deaths: 0 Counties: Allen, Monroe (from Macon, TN) Deaths: Notes: Touchdown was just north of West Galway Trail North in a tree line behind some houses. Time: 11:22pm EDT Make every effort, by comparison with trees and houses between the tornado and the observer, to get its height, width, and speed: these can be much better found out at a little distance than close to the cloud. Path width: 75yards EF-Scale:EF1 January 21, 1959 Path width: Time: 8:10pm Time: 8:08pm EST to 8:09pm EST The rest of the damage along the path was restricted to trees. April 1, 1974 Path width: 100 yards Nobody knew about it until the next morning when they saw the scattered debris causing tales of a night phantom., A tornado was reported near Dallas, Texas on April 15, , 1879 that destroyed more than a dozen homes and injured twenty-five people. Three brick houses were completely wrecked. Time: 2:50pm Path length: Noted discrepancies: SPC and NCDC rank this as an F2, Grazulis calls it an F3. Notes: The tornado began just southwest of Lake Spring Road where a couple of trees were snapped or uprooted and a 24 x36 barn experienced extensive roof panel damage. December 29, 1865 Path length: Injuries: Multiple vortices may have been visible. A car was tossed several hundred yards. Time: 8:00pm Time: 6:00pm Deaths: 0 Deaths: July 13, 2015 The tornado increased in intensity as it moved to the northeast, and did extensive roof damage to two homes on the west side of Lucas Lane. Path length: 6 miles Path width: Deaths: 0 Along Dan Dunn Road several barns sustained significant roof and wall damage, and a chain link fence was bent at 90 degrees along every support post. Path length: 2.2 mile Time: 2:50pm One home and at least six barns were destroyed. The List of Atlantic hurricanes in the 18th century encompasses all known Atlantic tropical cyclones from 1700 to 1799. Injuries: 0 Winds in this areawere 110 mph with a path width about 125 yards. EF-Scale: EF0 Noted discrepancies: SPC and NCDC rank this as an F3, Grazulis gives it an F2. It moved between US 421 and Eminence-Point Pleasant Road. About 100 people were left homeless in Clark County. The tornado dissipated after snapping and uprooting a few trees between Route 79/259 and Harned Locust Hill Road. Path length: 1.3 miles (skipping) NCDC or Grazulis must have the better path lengthSPC entry looks to be an entry error. 157-158. Path length: 5 miles At least 44 deaths occurred at the Falls City Hall (1124 West Market Street). Path width: F-scale: F1 The first damage observed was of EF1 intensity, and the tornado grew to EF2 intensity before reaching the Madison County line. A brick building was unroofed and had a wall blown down. numerous eyewitness accounts, documented Injuries: Time: 5:30pm Deaths: April 22, 1958 Injuries: 27 Two other barns were also damaged or destroyed, and many trees were uprooted or damaged. Deaths: F-scale: F4 SPC and NCDC give a time of 6:00pm, Storm Data gives 5:00pm, Grazulis says 6:30pm. Jefferson County locations that were struck by the tornado or its parent thunderstorm included Orell, Greenwood Station, Kerrick Station, Blanton Station, Saint Helens, South park, Iroquois Park, and Senning's Park. The storm increased in width to 200 years and struck several single and double wide mobile homes south of Millerstown road. A fourth person was injured on Trimble Road. Path length: Multi-story downtown buildings were hit by the tornado and subsequently collapsed. Path width: Time: 5:58pm - 5:59pm EDT F-scale: F1 EF-Scale: EF-2 Path width: 100 yards
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