In this lesson, students will explore the characteristics of the Puritan community in Salem, learn about the Salem Witchcraft Trials, and try to . Parris. The town of Salem in The Crucible, can relate to our nation today, through the way we target the Muslim religion as terrorist. all rights reserved, History U: Courses for High School Students, Cotton Mathers account of the Salem witch trials, 1693, Located on the lower level of the New-York Historical Society. In 20th Century America, it all started when a playwright named Arthur Miller had an affair with a Hollywood actress named Marilyn Monroe. Indeed, Germany, one of the central countries of the Protestant Reformation, is often referred to as the focal point of the European witch hunts. Accusations originated with the ill-will of the accuser, or, more often, the accusers fear of someone having ill-will toward him. Presumably, whoever paid the fine had become Tituba's enslaver. So for a brief explanation, McCarthyism was carried out under senator Joseph McCarthy during 1950-1954 against alleged communist in the US government and in other institutions. What happened, we should ask, that enabled such widespread, fallacious, and at times frantic persecution and prosecution to take place? John Proctor, as Miller portrays him, is a good man whos made a bad, but human, mistake. Again, the so-called witches made for the perfect scapegoats. In the play "The Crucible," Arthur Miller uses a great trial in the Salem witch trials to describe how he felt during the Red Scare in the 1950's. The Red Scare was a national hunt for Communists, or "Reds" as they were called. He has wanted his Incarnate Legions to Persecute us, as the People of God have in the other Hemisphere been Persecuted: he has therefore drawn forth his more spiritual ones to make an attacque upon us. They simply used accusations of witchcraft and magic to prove their moral and doctrinal superiority over the other side. This tendency to believe in the certainty of one's convictions as well as the belief that their practices of exclusion were justified among the cultural conditions of Salem. By the 14th century, fear of heresy and of Satan had added charges of diabolism to the usual indictment of witches, maleficium (malevolent sorcery). Cotton Mather, a prolific author and well-known preacher, wrote this account in 1693, a year after the trials ended. By directing blame for misfortune upon others, various populations across Europe succumbed to the mass panic and collective fear ignited by those in authority. A combination of multiple different forces came together to create the circumstances in which these witch hunts took place, so there are numerous reasons to consider. This was a dissertation that endorsed witch-hunting and is believed to have inspired Shakespeares Macbeth. It investigated whether the charges resulted from personal animosity toward the accused; it obtained physicians statements; it did not allow the naming of accomplices either with or without torture; it required the review of every sentence; and it provided for whipping, banishment, or even house arrest instead of death for first offenders. These stage directions allowed the reader to gain insight as to why Salem was able to serve as home to the witch hunts. Scapegoating can be viewed as the main reason behind the American witch hunts. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Weakness, hypocrisy, vindictiveness: only few of the many words that describe the guilty desires and revenge that lingered among the town of Salem. The salem witch trials hysteria of 1692 was caused by the Puritans strict religious standards and intolerance of anything not accepted with their scripture. Local courts were more credulous and therefore more likely to be strict and even violent in their treatment of supposed witches than were regional or superior courts. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. The effects of conflicts such as the Thirty Years War were exacerbated by the drastic Little Ice Age with which they coincided, especially in regard to the European witch hunts. 'The witch-hunt was not, however, a mere repression. Historical Context. Therefore, to create unity, one also had to exclude and prohibit those who could threaten it. Among others, it argued that those guilty of witchcraft should be punished, and equated sorcery with heresy. Students can make very profitable comparisons between the two tragic heroes: The Manchurian Candidates Staff Sergeant Raymond Shaw, and The Crucible's John Proctor. Analysis. The most common suspicions concerned livestock, crops, storms, disease, property and inheritance, sexual dysfunction or rivalry, family feuds, marital discord, stepparents, sibling rivalries, and local politics. Witch trials continued through the 14th and early 15th centuries, but with great inconsistency according to time and place. From 1993 Halloween classic Hocus Pocus to American Horror Story: Coven, the witch hunts that ensued from such simple origins have captured the imagination of many artistic minds over the past 300 years, making it perhaps one of the most famous events in American history. eNotes Editorial, 6 June 2016, Witches were considered Satans followers, members of an antichurch and an antistate, the sworn enemies of Christian society in the Middle Ages, and a counter-state in the early modern period. The dramatic changes of the characters show how people in late 1600s managed to get through the accusations of witchcraft and moreover how the accusers and or condemners were able to handle the chaotic event. While any number of marginalized groups could, in theory, have served as a scapegoat, the shift in attitudes towards witchcraft as heresy created the conditions that allowed populations to turn upon those accused of witchcraft instead. Similar to The Crucible , a majority of the characters reacted the way they did out of fear. B.A. The Puritans were marked by inflexibility and extremism. The accusations were usually made by the alleged victims themselves, rather than by priests, lords, judges, or other elites. Successful prosecution of one witch sometimes led to a local hunt for others, but larger hunts and regional panics were confined (with some exceptions) to the years from the 1590s to 1640s. Thus creating the different movements to bring awareness to the situations and hope that the citizens will work to change and or stop these homicides from happening. Through their reactions to the witch trials, characters in Arthur Millers The Crucible portray two major themes of self-preservation and mass hysteria. I had not approached the witchcraft out of nowhere or from purely social and political considerations. Whether she was aware of the political conflicts around Massachusetts' status as a colony is not known. When a local doctor diagnosed the girls as suffering from the malevolent effects of the supernatural, they set in motion a series of events that would irrevocably alter the course of American cultural, judicial, and political history. They were the ones who were extremely critical of, for example, Reverend Parris, who is a symbol of the extremist and narrow viewpoints held by the church at the time. Explanations of the witch hunts continue to vary, but recent research has shown some of these theories to be improbable or of negligible value. One was Elizabeth (Betty) Parris, the 9-year-old daughter of Rev. Part of their belief system was awareness for anything "evil". Moving crabwise across the profusion of evidence, I sensed that I had at last found something of myself in it, and a play began to accumulate around this man. Want more stories like this? The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling., Have a tip we should know? The events in Salem and other towns in New England took place in a region of isolated villages and towns. They believed in short that they held in their steady hands the candle that would light the world. Christian theologians and academics entwined together the superstitious worries people held about the supernatural with Christian doctrine. How does Abigail turn the court against Mary Warren in The Crucible? Tituba was questioned about her role. Men who brand women as dakan capitalize on deeply rooted superstitions and systems built on . Describe a relatively recent historical event that resembles the situation that unfolded in Salem. Salem witch trials, (June 1692-May 1693), in American history, a series of investigations and persecutions that caused 19 convicted "witches" to be hanged and many other suspects to be imprisoned in Salem Village in the Massachusetts Bay Colony (now Danvers, Massachusetts). To fully understand what caused the witch-hunt, one must analyze the triggers behind these feelings. Its origin lies in the establishment of a theocracy by the inhabitants of Salem, which combined state and religious power. Rev. The legal use of torture declined in the 17th and 18th centuries, and there was a general retreat from religious intensity following the wars of religion (from the 1560s to 1640s). The Crucible: McCarthyism and a Historical View of Witch Hunts One theory which could explain the apparent madness of the trial and judicial hangings may be found in the bread the settlers were eating. Fear, hatred, guilt, jealousy, pain, grief, confusion, lust, and hunger are all feelings with one thing in common: They were the driving force that caused a witch-hunt amongst early modern Europeans. These can all be related back to The Crucible, in the way in which each character experienced. This idea that when trouble comes, particularly when it comes to a man whos just trying to get laid, it comes at the hands of an unstable woman who should never be believed. What caused them? A fire, a fire is burning! ", EDSITEment is a project of theNational Endowment for the Humanities, Salem Witch Trials: Understanding the Hysteria, Origins of Halloween and the Day of the Dead. Examples Of The Salem Witch Hunt In The Crucible | To find out what was causing the afflictions, a local doctor (presumably William Griggs) and a neighboring minister, Rev. The responsibility for the witch hunts can be distributed among theologians, legal theorists, and the practices of secular and ecclesiastical courts. In his telling, witch hunts are perpetrated by the marginalized rather than upon them, since, when sex is involved, women are inclined toward group-malice, sexual irrationality, and wholesale invention. The witch-trials provided release and the outcome was tragically unpleasant. How Does Arthur Miller Use Witch Hunts In The Crucible. Three-fourths of European witch hunts occurred in western Germany, the Low Countries, France, northern Italy, and Switzerland, areas where prosecutions for heresy had been plentiful and charges of diabolism were prominent. While people were being falsely accused of witchery without definite facts. The Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation heightened the fear of witchcraft by promoting the idea of personal piety (the individual alone with his or her Bible and God), which enhanced individualism while downplaying community. But the reason as to why Arthur Miller felt the need to write The Crucible in the first place was because the unfortunate reality that history seemed to have repeated itself again. Two of the accused women confessed to being witches and were reprievedparadoxically, if you admitted to being a witch, you were freed. Parris' sermons in late 1691 warning of Satan's influence in town is also not known, but it seems likely that his fears were known in his household. Latest answer posted April 17, 2020 at 1:25:04 AM. Cotton Mather's account of the Salem witch trials, 1693 And we have now with Horror seen the Discovery of such a WITCHCRAFT! Parris and his wife. The playwright sets that story as the catalyst for a larger, quite literal witch hunt, stoked into a frenzy by a mostly unprovoked confession of witchcraft spoken by a fantastically-minded woman of color whos been practicing sexy voodoo in the woods with the girls of Salem. We now know that some of the accused were pre-teens. The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, takes place in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692 and recounts one such witch hunt. No one was safe from persecutions, and the witch hunts for communism began. Both of these historic elements, however, were shaped by Miller into a story about a married man tormented by an orphaned, libidinous teenage girl seeking to punish him for a sexual transgression she participated consensually in. ThoughtCo, Jan. 5, 2021, Miller presents the idea that vengeance ruins peoples lives or reputation so that you can get what you want and be satisfied. It was also, and as importantly, a long overdue opportunity for every-one so inclined to express publicly his guilt and sins, under the cover of accusations against the victims.'. and Quakers; and between American Indians and Englishmen on the frontier. As questions of, When witchcraft arose, the state began executing anyone affiliated with witchery. The story in The Crucible begins with how the paranoia and the following witch hunt started in Salem. Anyone who failed to subscribe to Puritan social norms could become vulnerable and villainized, branded as an outsider, and cast in the role of the Other. These included those that were unmarried, childless, or defiant women on the fringes of society, the elderly, people suffering from a mental illness, people with a disability, and so forth. The next day, Betty and Abigail named Tituba as a cause of their behavior. Because we are all taught that if we listen to women too closely, that way lies the unraveling of the fabric of society. How Arthur Miller Created a Myth of the Male "Witch Hunt - The Mary Sue Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, which forms the basis of many Americans' knowledge of the trials, takes liberties with the story. The Little Ice Age was a period of climate change characterized by severe weather, famine, sequential epidemics, and chaos. Reputation In The Crucible By Arthur Miller | Girls had specific roles in society and were expected to follow the rules of the church without question, so when they acted out and danced or strayed from the church, chaos was unavoidable. How Rye Bread May Have Caused the Salem Witch Trials. As Headley points out, he cites his relationships as instrumental to his writing of The Crucible in an essay he wrote about his process for The New Yorker: I visited Salem for the first time on a dismal spring day in 1952; it was a sidetracked town then, with abandoned factories and vacant stores. One of the most known is The Holocaust that happened during WWII. Four-year-old accused witch Dorcas Good went insane after spending months in prison and watching her baby sister die while in jail with their mother, who was later hanged. Why were the leaders of Salem's clerical and civil community ready to condemn to death 19 people who refused to acknowledge being witches based on spectral evidence and the hysterical words of young girls? Maleficium was a threat not only to individuals but also to public order, for a community wracked by suspicions about witches could split asunder. Widely influential, it was reprinted numerous times. Fear, accusations, and doing things for personal gain is a natural human instinct. The gradual demise during the late 17th and early 18th century of the previous religious, philosophical, and legal worldview encouraged the ascendancy of an existent but often suppressed skepticism; increasing literacy, mobility, and means of communication set the stage for social acceptance of this changing outlook. What is a quote said by John Proctor in Act 3 in which he reveals his sin of adultery? The Rev. In Arthur Millers play, The Crucible, witch hunts empowered towns and consumed peoples lives with fear. Rev. According to Miller, what caused the witch-hunts? This Map Shows the Scale of 16th- and 17th-Century Scottish Witch Hunts Another was Abigail Williams, age 12, called "kinfolk" or a "niece" of Rev. The accusers is constitutionally finding scapegoats to back up their culpability. Aligns with CCSS RL.11-12.3 - Analyze the impact of the authors choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama. A fire, a fire is burning! The drastic effects of the Little Ice Age reached a height between 1560 and 1650, which happened to be the same period in which the number of European witch hunts reached their height. In act 4 of The Crucible, why does John Proctor decide to confess but refuse to sign a written confession? Largely because of that mistake, he is buffeted by a couple of elements shaped to suit the underlying narrative of Millers story, and thus not found in primary sources. Because of the continuity of witch trials with those for heresy, it is impossible to say when the first witch trial occurred. In about 1689, Tituba and John Indian seem to have married. Over seventy people were implicated as part of the North Berwick trials and seven years later King James came to write Daemonologie. The witch-hunt provided the perfect opportunity for the settlement of old scores. But since the controversy included withholding salary and payment in firewood, and Parris complained about the effect on his family, Tituba probably would also have felt the shortage of firewood and food in the house. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need.